Need Help finding a translator


Registered Users (C)
Do you guys know of any translator in Chicagoland area who will translate birth certificate from Hindi to English?
ibcd92 said:
Do you guys know of any translator in Chicagoland area who will translate birth certificate from Hindi to English?

Did you look in the yellow pages for certified translators? I've seen this suggestion made in the past.

For translating a document, you do not need a professional tarnsator. A friend or relative who knows both english and hindi can translate it for you. All he has to do is to include a notarized affidatavit that He knows both the english and Hindi languages, and that it is a true translation of the original.

Here is the format of the notarized afaidavit:

I __________________, being duly sworn on the _______day of ____________ , 2004, depose and say that:

1. I am __ years old and reside at __________________________;

2. I can read, write and understand hindi and english languages;

3. The attached is a true translation of the birth certificate of ________________, from hindi to english language;

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

(Attestation Sealy)


Here is the company I used

ibcd92 -

Here is the company I used for my translation stuff...

MSI - (708) 524-9622 - ask for Misa.