Name spelling/typo issue


New Member


I received my naturalization certificate last week and I am thinking about applying for passport and filing for I-130 for my parents and siblings. There is something I didn't notice until now.

My mother's name is different in her passport and in my birth certificate. She has my father's last name as her last name in her passport, but my birth certificate has her maiden name. This is normal in the country I am originally from. Now, to complicate things even further, the spelling of her last (maiden) name in my birth certificate does not match her educational certificates (however, it's unlikely that she's going to use her educational certificates here). I am sure this happened during translation. I remember that I had to submit my birth certificate with my I-485 application. In the passport application, it asks for mather's maiden name, and in I-130 form, it asks for her current name and other names used. For example, this is how her name appears in different documents:

in her passport: Jane Roberts (say my dad's name is John Roberts)
in my Birth Cert: Jane Dow (with her misspelled last maiden name)
in her educational documents: Jane Doe (her correct last name)

I can ask for a new and updated birth certificate for me from the municipality I was born, but in that case, USCIS would still have my previous B/C with her misspelled name. Although she has my father's last name in her passport, the name was not changed officially, so she doesn't have any documents to prove an 'official' name change. She already visited USA twice with that passport and tourist visas. I think USCIS and Dept. of State are different entities; that the Dept. of State doesn't have a copy of my birth cert, and the Naturalization Cert does not have my mother's name in it. Now my questions are:

1) what name should I use for my mother in my passport application?
2) what name(s) should I use for my mother in her I-130 application?
3) should I ask for a new and updated birth cert for me and my mom, and a new and updated marriage cert for my parents?

Any input will be appreciated. Thanks.