My US Citizenship -Any one with the experince can help


New Member
I have used your experiences in reference with obtaining my Citizenship and filed a Lawsuit against the USCIS and FBI back in November 2007. I have filed my N 400 and called for my face to face interview in Feb 16th, 2006. Since then my case has not been completed due to lack of answer from CIS representative and incompletion of my background check. I have received 2 email messages followd by phone call from US attorny office on Tuesdday Dec 11th, 2007 inviting me for a fresh fingerprint which was done yesterday December 13th 2007. In the meantime, as US Attorney is suggesting the FBI has completed my background investigation. CIS informs the US Attorney that once they receive updated fingerprint results, they will be ready to adjudicate my application. Please note that due to a recent change in the law in this court district (Alexandria District Court), my federal court lawsuit must be dismissed prior to CIS being able to actually adjudicate the application. The US Attorny can prepare and send me the appropriate forms, which we would both sign, and file with the Court. Can you tell me what would be the next step for me. It seems that I have to dismiss my case. What are the
guarantees that I would receive my citizenship. Is it appropriate to speak about my concerns to the US Attorny office or should I leave it this way that they contact me. My private email address is Please help.


I have used your experiences in reference with obtaining my Citizenship and filed a Lawsuit against the USCIS and FBI back in November 2007. I have filed my N 400 and called for my face to face interview in Feb 16th, 2006. Since then my case has not been completed due to lack of answer from CIS representative and incompletion of my background check. I have received 2 email messages followd by phone call from US attorny office on Tuesdday Dec 11th, 2007 inviting me for a fresh fingerprint which was done yesterday December 13th 2007. In the meantime, as US Attorney is suggesting the FBI has completed my background investigation. CIS informs the US Attorney that once they receive updated fingerprint results, they will be ready to adjudicate my application. Please note that due to a recent change in the law in this court district (Alexandria District Court), my federal court lawsuit must be dismissed prior to CIS being able to actually adjudicate the application. The US Attorny can prepare and send me the appropriate forms, which we would both sign, and file with the Court. Can you tell me what would be the next step for me. It seems that I have to dismiss my case. What are the
guarantees that I would receive my citizenship. Is it appropriate to speak about my concerns to the US Attorny office or should I leave it this way that they contact me. My private email address is Please help.


I believe the dismissal form US attorney is referring to includes written statement that USCIS will adjudicate your case within a specific amount of days.