my predictions


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Ok here goes:

Current time ------ I-485 (VSC processing month)
08/01 ------ 11/00
09/01 ------ 12/00
09/01 ------ 01/01
10/01 ------ 02/01
11/01 ------ 03/01
12/01 ------ 04/01
01/02 ------ 05/01
02/02 ------ 06/01
03/02 ------ 07/01
04/02 ------ 08/01
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We are almost at the end of August and we certainly know that INS (Vermont) has not processed 11/00 cases and officially they say they are processing cases until 10/00.
Dream On

While it seems so promising in recent months, people who filed in Mid-April haven\'t got FP notices yet. INS was very much screwed up between April and July when they had the so called front log. They may not get to those filers for a long time.
If you analyze the data in Immitracker VSC "00" data

You can see that the cases for the current processing month "as they claim in ALIA info"

FIRST WEEK - They start the processing as claimed by approving few cases in the beginning and the end of the "processing Month". They still focus on the prior processing month\'s cases.

SECOND WEEK - They process very few cases (Lesser than FIRST WEEK) in the beginning and the end of the "processing month". They still focus on the prior processing month\'s cases.

THIRD WEEK - They "REALLY" start the processing for "processing month" cases as claimed 2 weeks back. They cut down the approvals from prior processing months drastically and the focus is shifted to "Current processing month" cases.

FOURTH & FIFTH WEEK - They completely focus on "current processing month" cases as claimed 3 weeks back. They almost stop the approvals of prior processing months and the focus is only on "Current processing month" cases.

FIRST WEEK... see above
SECOND WEEK... see above

This is my understanding... I may be wrong... Seeing the EB1 cases I predicted that my case could be approved last week of August-01 or first week of Sep-01 and it was on 27-Aug-01.

This is like the prediction of the stock market

If you can do it accurately, you don\'t even need to get your GC. Just like many people want to tell you how to make $2k P/T and up to $7k/mo F/T, but they always demand you to pay some tuition first. That works though.

Quit it please.
It only shows somebody has plenty of time to write this kind of novel idea

If your prediction is accurate, you won\'t be needing GC
my friend !!
it seems more logical

I agree with \'My prediction\'. I was also having the same info. on average if you look at the appproval rate from the date of your i-485
filling date(from oct\'00) , it approximately takes 9months for final approval. Hopefully, if the trend continues and if it gets better, i would\'nt be surprised to see the approval rate or rather processing duration reduce it to 7 months. Again...lets hope......
I agree with you

Hey I agree with your prediction and seems to be more logical too. Let\'s hope for the best
No Title

I hope that your prediction would be accurate because I badly want to get out of my current company. However, predicting the INS is even more difficult than predicting the stock market. The INS processing time is a mystery. Just take the I-485 receipts for example. It used to take 2 weeks in Feb but took 3 months in April-July. Be optimistic but don\'t count on it.