MEA's response for OCIs already granted to kids of Indian Parents


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In the last few day, I saw many Indian parents on this forum saying that they have already obtained OCIs for their kids before the rule was changed to exclude such kids.
All these parents were concerned about the validity of their kids' OCI.

I decided to email Ministry of External Affairs for thier position on this unique situation.
This is the response I got from the Under Secretary (DS-I) today -
Dear Sir,

The position as of now is that steps are being taken to examine regularising all those OCIs issued to minor children whose both parents are Indian nationals and also to include such minor children in the OCI Scheme. But a final decision could be conveyed only after it is examined by the Ministry of Law and other agencies involved and after changing the Act. This is likely to take some time. You may bear with us on this.


So looks like they are moving towards regularising such OCIs but willl take some time to do so.
This begs the obvious question that can such parents take their kids to India with such OCIs. I have asked them, and will post an update when I get some response.
Till this issue reaches some conclusion, I would suggest that if you (Indian parents) have an urgent need to travel to India, obtain a tourist visa or PIO for your child. I know this suggestion sucks, but better safe than sorry.
Hi alt

Did you get any response from MEA? I too have asked them the same question and have not recv any reply so far. I am going back to India for good in Jan 2007 and want to make sure that my child's OCI is still valid.

No, unfortunately I have not heard back from them. I sent them another reminder note a couple of days ago, and am waiting for a response to that one as well.
A variation in similar situation

My daughter's OCI was approved and granted when me and my wife were still Citizens of India. Now both of us are US Citizens and have applied for OCI ourselves. Should I assume that even if MHA does reaffirm their rules, my daughter's OCI is still valid ? now that parents are not Indian citizens anymore ? or Should I redo the paperwork, just to get back the same OCI once again ? Thanks for any input / insight on this.

Also, who would you write to at MHA to ask any specific questions such as this. Thanks.
I wrote to these email addresses -;;

One of them had replied to my first query within a day.
But since then, to the specific question of whether such kids can use their OCIs to travel to India, or should they get tourist visas, there is total silence from the other side.
already approved OCI cards and U Visa are VALID

This is what the Consulate of India at San Francisco, CA had to say:

The already approved OCI cards and U Visas are VALID

- jagther.
Jagther said:
This is what the Consulate of India at San Francisco, CA had to say:

The already approved OCI cards and U Visas are VALID

- jagther.
This is good news! How did you obtain this information? Did someone tell you over the phone? Or do they have this information up somewhere on their web site?
Just trying to ascertain if this is an offical statement from MHA yet or not, since I have not received any further reply from India even after repeated emails.