March/April 2002 filers

Maybe your lawyer can arrange something with CSC or application support center, if you haven't got the notice so far.

Don't just sit and wait another 60 days, get up do something to help yourself b/c your case are obviously mishandled, it is long past JIT and FP expired long ago, CSC are not doing their job by simply let your case sitting. How much effort would it be to issue a FP notice? A click of a button!

Join the campaign and make CSC's mistake known to their management and Ombudsman:

It is our duty to report their mistakes, in fact if we don't care ourselves, no one else would bother to lift a finger.
no 2nd FP yet, any suggestions?
did 1st FP in 09/2002 (5 months after filing) after lawyer made an inquiry. But this time lawyer said USCIS no longer allows request for FP.

ND 04/23/2002
I did my first FP in november 2002 and still waiting for the 2nd one.

WAC 02 173 xxxxx

I contacted my lawyer and he said that he can't do anything before the INS passes my RD date by 30 days. He then can send a request ... He is a lazy son of a wh###

2nd PF done

continue my early post, received 2nd FP 07/08/2004, scheduled 08/17/2004, did it today

ND 04/23/2002
HI< I have also received my 2nd fp three days ago by my attorney and myself.

ND4/02/2002 shelduled for July 27
LUD changed finally on my case wac-02-135. Lawyer sent enquiry exactly a month ago. He got a reply today saying "FP were expired, new FP will be scheduled". LUD
changed today though. Hopefully it means a second FP notice

I received the notice last Friday for July 20th. Hopefully you all should be getting it soon. Good Luck.
I did my first FP in Nov02
