Likely Chennai CP Interview in July/August 2004


Thanks for the reply. I forgot to take a copy of the IV. So I don't have one. My wife and daughter would come back with me. They both will have their IV packet's with them, because this is the first time they are coming into the U.S. after the interview. I believe I could manage with that.

Any thoughts?.


alren said:
You just need the I-551 stamp on the passport. That is enough. If you had made a copy of you IV, it might be better to take it along with you.
jalabalajings said:

Thanks for the reply. I forgot to take a copy of the IV. So I don't have one. My wife and daughter would come back with me. They both will have their IV packet's with them, because this is the first time they are coming into the U.S. after the interview. I believe I could manage with that.

Any thoughts?.


Normally you do not need the copy of IV, but in time of need (say if the P/P is misplaced) there's no other evidence of having a GC, then it might be helpful. But for you 551 is pp is enough. For your family I would recommend you to get a copy for reference.
Ds 230 Q

Address entered in DS 230 for the GC to be mailed: We wrote an address which is in NJ (our friend's place):
q1) Can our POE be in Pennsylvania, or does it have to be in NJ.
q2) At POE - suppose, in our case, in PA, can we tell the immi officer to change the GC mailing address to a PA address as we have just moved to PA, or should we let everything remain as it is and await our GC's to arrive at our friends place.
1) POE and address for mailing the GC are independent.
2) You can try, esp. if the address is not on the IV.
Thanks very much for the reply. I will make sure I have copies of my passport especially the I551 stamped page and would make a copy of my family members IV.

Any idea whom should I contact for my Welcome Letter and Plastic Card (or) is there a Phone number that I could speak with someone.

The INS (Whatever it is called) website states a 800 number to call if the person has not received a card after 60 days. I haven't reached that number of days yet.

Keeping my fingers crossed.


alren said:
Normally you do not need the copy of IV, but in time of need (say if the P/P is misplaced) there's no other evidence of having a GC, then it might be helpful. But for you 551 is pp is enough. For your family I would recommend you to get a copy for reference.

I was told by the immigration officer that the I-551 stamp valid for an year is enough to leave and enter the country.I did not make a copy of my IV visa.I think it will be definitely useful to have a copy of the IV visa bcos we cannot see it any more and if by chance there is an error in the Alien number.

I think it is good idea to make a copy and if it color copy then it will add more effect as it looks so different than the usual H1B approval and I-140 approval. IT's so colourful. I missed it I didn't make a copy of it and as suggested earlier we should have written the alien number to cross check with the one written in passport by the IMM.Officer.
AS suggested earlier you can try by talking to the Imm.Officer if he allows you to talk usually it is the address in the DS-230 part I.

I believe your welcome letter and the plastic card both come to the same address.


HEartiest congratulations. I concur with you that cp is the way to go. You enjoy life king size and wish you the best for future endevours! I have reduced my visits on this forum and hence a delay in my wishes.
Warning to Fellow CP'ers - Need to Reappear for Interview


My wife and I landed in Chennai for our July 16th interview. Everything went smoothly - medical tests (4 days prior to interview, lister and Dr. Vijayalakshmi), photos (Konica labs opposite Chola Sheraton).

On the interview date, the security did not let my wife in because her name was not printed as a 'traveling applicant' in the yellow appointment letter. I was allowed in. I went in with the idea that the consulate had messed up and that I was going to get it sorted out so that my wife could be let in soon. I was told that there was a mistake and that they did not have any of my wife's application materials. I waited and waited till the Indian lady called my name for documents check. She showed me my folder and pointed out that they did not have any of my wife's papers. I stated that my application was first sent to the consulate in Jan 2001, that according to the old rules we were required to pay the fees (335+65$) only at the interview, that my interview process was initiated in May 2004 and my wife was added to my application. She just would not listen. I told her repeatedly that the lawyers had sent her a cover letter stating that my wife was to be added to my application. I also showed her photocopies of all the DS230 forms that were sent, that clearly showed my wife's application and that I was applying together with her. I could only evoke this statement from her after all my efforts - "I don't know where the mistake is. Even if we made a mistake, nothing can be done now. You have two options - get your IV stamped now and have your wife come back 2 months later OR both of you come back 2 months later." I opted for the latter as I did not want any more complications.

The gist is that -
1. The lawyers sent all our DS230 forms just as needed. They also sent the cover letter stating that my wife needed to be added.
2. The consulate somehow messed up and missed adding my wife to the application.
3. The consulate did not issue a visa number to my wife for July. Thus there was no way for them to correct their mistake. The only option was to issue my wife a visa number at the next allocation which will be in Aug.
4. My lawyers (damn them!) and myself overlooked the fact that the yellow appointment letter did not have both of our names.
5. My lawyers sent the consulate an email clearly stating that the consulate had erred and asked them for an appointment in the same month so that we would not have to come back to India.
6. The consulate was not able to budge due to their monthly visa number quotas. So, we will need to travel for the interview ONCE AGAIN in Sept.
7. We were able to reenter the US based on our stamped H1 visas. My wife had to get an H1 stamping appointment for late July before we could return to the US.

So, fellow CP'ers!
Sorry to hear your case, hope everything will be fine in Sept. Hope the consulate has no errors on their side.

Was your case regular CP or AC-140 ? If I understand correctly you were married in between the DS230- part I sent to consulate and the interview date ?

I am just gathering information for my understanding purpose.

Thank you very are one of the very important person who should be thanked for clearing all my doubts.Once again thank you kd....

kd1403 said:

HEartiest congratulations. I concur with you that cp is the way to go. You enjoy life king size and wish you the best for future endevours! I have reduced my visits on this forum and hence a delay in my wishes.
sorry to hear about your case.I wish that everything goes well in September.

sreek said:

My wife and I landed in Chennai for our July 16th interview. Everything went smoothly - medical tests (4 days prior to interview, lister and Dr. Vijayalakshmi), photos (Konica labs opposite Chola Sheraton).

On the interview date, the security did not let my wife in because her name was not printed as a 'traveling applicant' in the yellow appointment letter. I was allowed in. I went in with the idea that the consulate had messed up and that I was going to get it sorted out so that my wife could be let in soon. I was told that there was a mistake and that they did not have any of my wife's application materials. I waited and waited till the Indian lady called my name for documents check. She showed me my folder and pointed out that they did not have any of my wife's papers. I stated that my application was first sent to the consulate in Jan 2001, that according to the old rules we were required to pay the fees (335+65$) only at the interview, that my interview process was initiated in May 2004 and my wife was added to my application. She just would not listen. I told her repeatedly that the lawyers had sent her a cover letter stating that my wife was to be added to my application. I also showed her photocopies of all the DS230 forms that were sent, that clearly showed my wife's application and that I was applying together with her. I could only evoke this statement from her after all my efforts - "I don't know where the mistake is. Even if we made a mistake, nothing can be done now. You have two options - get your IV stamped now and have your wife come back 2 months later OR both of you come back 2 months later." I opted for the latter as I did not want any more complications.

The gist is that -
1. The lawyers sent all our DS230 forms just as needed. They also sent the cover letter stating that my wife needed to be added.
2. The consulate somehow messed up and missed adding my wife to the application.
3. The consulate did not issue a visa number to my wife for July. Thus there was no way for them to correct their mistake. The only option was to issue my wife a visa number at the next allocation which will be in Aug.
4. My lawyers (damn them!) and myself overlooked the fact that the yellow appointment letter did not have both of our names.
5. My lawyers sent the consulate an email clearly stating that the consulate had erred and asked them for an appointment in the same month so that we would not have to come back to India.
6. The consulate was not able to budge due to their monthly visa number quotas. So, we will need to travel for the interview ONCE AGAIN in Sept.
7. We were able to reenter the US based on our stamped H1 visas. My wife had to get an H1 stamping appointment for late July before we could return to the US.

So, fellow CP'ers!
sreek said:
Sorry to hear about your issue.

Also while calling the consulate to confirm the rct. of the case and as well as the interview date, it is better to make sure about both the people are on the case.
vm1214 said:
Was your case regular CP or AC-140 ? If I understand correctly you were married in between the DS230- part I sent to consulate and the interview date ?

Mine was regular CP started in 2001. I got married in 2003 and sent DS230 Part I with both our forms in May 2004. So, there should not have been any complications in the normal case.

Your case looks straight, I don't understand where the mistake took place at NVC or Chennai consulate. Any ways all the best for your sept interview.

Welcome letter


My POE was detroit on 1st August and i got 2 welcome letters for myself on 16th August.But i didnt receive the welcome letter for my spouse.The welcome letter is nothing but a I-797 saying welcome to united states as a permanent resident and you will receive your plastic card within 3 weeks.


Good for you. POE 7/19 at DTW. No sign of anything yet. Do you know where did you get the WC from?

BJ :

That was quick. As alren indicated do you know from where you got the Welcome letter?

My POE was Newark and DOE was 9th July, 2004. No signs of either Wlcome letter or the Actual Card.


BJ77 said:

My POE was detroit on 1st August and i got 2 welcome letters for myself on 16th August.But i didnt receive the welcome letter for my spouse.The welcome letter is nothing but a I-797 saying welcome to united states as a permanent resident and you will receive your plastic card within 3 weeks.

I was in the assumption that officer's have gone on summer break so no body is bothered to send the Welcome letter. It's already being 3 weeks but no sign of anything.