labor substitute case 7 th year extension.Please help


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I had filed for labor on 7 June 2001.Another employee of my company also filed same date.He got his labor which I reused after he left.My original labor not yet approved.I filed I140 in Feb 2002 using substituted labor.
H1B expiring May 3 2002.
Filed for vacation extension.
My question is can I use 7 th year extension using this substituted labor
on 7 June.

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You\'re right. You can get your 7th year extn based on any approved labour provided the labour certification was for a person who had qualifications and salary very similar to you.
  I mean he used to work for a similar position as you do.

Consult your attorney and get your extension filed before its too late.
You are safe Tungsten

I believe you are safe, and you should have filed for 7th year ext by now. Because as long as the application is pending you can continue to work. And you should be getting your I-140 soon, since you had filed in Feb . Eitherway you can file 485 , get your EAD and continue working.
