Labor Question - Experience letters


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My Employer is applying for my Labor certification this month. I have a question regarding experience letters from my previous employers. I have had two previous employers, but I have been able to obtain experience letters from only one of them. I have the experience letter in the required INS format from my first employer with whom i had worked for 3 years. But i have not been able to get any letters from the second employer for whom I worked for 2 years.

Will the absence of my second experience letter cause any problems during my labor certification. Will it be regected or will there be an RFE. If anyone has faced a similar situation, please post your experience so that I can look for remedial measures right away.

Many thanks for all your inputs,
You don't need experience letters for labor

You need to have experience letter for I-140 where you have to prove what labor certifcation was appaoved, that you have same qualification.

First you need to consult your lawyer that what category you are filing EB2 or EB3. sometime you might not need 5 years of experience (like EB3 = bachelor + 2 years experience) but you need to be very carefull when filing of LAbor certifcation, some lawyer ask for experience letter before filing Labor so they can advise you to filing EB2 or EB3 and advertsiment accoringly.

You not need to get letter form only your old company, you can get it from co-worker, who already left that firm or still with old company, (although immidiate boss letter is best).

I hope this will help.


I had a question about experience letter format. Does the issue date on the letter should be your exit date from the company or current date and also is it adviseable to submit the letter in LC stage or I-140.
