Labor Processing Times in California Due to 245i Part6

Not completely

For some reason they stopped or delayed the rest of nov 2 cases. But they switch to Nov 5. There are about a dozen of approvals and remands for this date since March.
Thanks GCPRO for the info and clarification if I come to know any iformation I\'ll post it

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Thanks to Mr. PRO for doing some research on this and making such good guess. I think we should seriously start looking at our situation and take any steps(such as contacting senator, govt representative etc), if necessary !!!
how long does EDD to process reponse for inquiry?

Hello, all,
        My PD is 7/26/2001, and today I just knew that EDD is requesting additional information due to layoff in my company. Does anyone know how long EDD will take to process the response for the request?
As of today (5/1) 7/30/2001 for RIR, 4/12/2001 non-RIR

With this speed I have a chance to have my Oct. 1st case to be processed within 3-4 months. Then -- another year at DOL. It all looks like a sick joke.
Sign against the B2 visa 30 day petition

Hi folks,
    Please do not forget to go ahead and sign a petition against a 30 day limitationn for B1/B2 visa. It can be accessed from the first page on the immigration portal
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Just hoping this does not turn out to be another Nov 2nd scenario!!!.
Its would be interesting to see how fast the DOL will now move, or will it just continue to crawl.
Anyone on this board with RD somewhere in early 2002 know from any reliable sources when the DOL might process our cases?.
what is the current date...

hi all,

mine is on feb 1st 2002. any idea if its july or nov thats in process...??

While all this is going on my company is preparing to die ...

Anyone has an open position in a large company ? :-/

Guess I need start packing ...