Jan 18th is the decision day?


Volunteer Moderator
I hope that Jan 18th gives us the decision we all are waiting for. If the logic goes right, the BCIS should update the asylee adjustment date to 09/01 which goes hand-in-hand with what the Asylee system was supposed to be...3 years to get your GC - 1 year backdated...
Well I have been trying to pretend that I don't care and that I am not aware what date it is, but in reality I am biting my nails and cannot wait. I always get all fired up in hope things will be fixed.

Btw, how did you come up with 9/01? Simple calculation? or were you the one with the complicated spreadsheet?

P.S. For what it's worth, my mother claims I will get GC for sure this year. Quote: " A mother's heart doesn't lie". So let's all hope my mom is right.
Let's not get hopes too high just yet....

I'm just as anxious as any of you people if not more but one thing we have to remember is that this case has been ruled in our favor for quite a while. USCIS appealed and delayed the whole process. The trouble here is that if negotiations don't go well, then USCIS has the option to go to the next step where this case can be heard by a panel of judges and even then after that they can take it to Supereme Court where they can decide to hear the case or not, totally upto their discretion.
I'm parying for the best out of this negotiation before its too late. If it prolongs for couple of more years this might not benefit the people who really deserve it, "us" ;) who went through the agony of following this case so closely and being on the roller coster since the Eighth Circuit court gave us this hope.
Punjabi_Munda said:
I'm just as anxious as any of you people if not more but one thing we have to remember is that this case has been ruled in our favor for quite a while. USCIS appealed and delayed the whole process. The trouble here is that if negotiations don't go well, then USCIS has the option to go to the next step where this case can be heard by a panel of judges and even then after that they can take it to Supereme Court where they can decide to hear the case or not, totally upto their discretion.
I'm parying for the best out of this negotiation before its too late. If it prolongs for couple of more years this might not benefit the people who really deserve it, "us" ;) who went through the agony of following this case so closely and being on the roller coster since the Eighth Circuit court gave us this hope.

There are only 22,000 visas. A settlement really would not benefit people whose projected approval dates are more than 15 years away (a two year difference is not too material for most folks when you are waiting for 15 years). It would be far better for AILA to lobby for a legislative change.
The other thing is they have diversity lottery every year allowing 55000 people to come here.Those guys don't have any reasons to come in the U.S. except the fact that they have filled an online application.We have reasons sufficient enough to stay here(according to IO or IJ opinion) and they adjust only 10000 of us.And this backlog!15 years to wait!I just can't imagine!! :mad:
Minsk said:
The other thing is they have diversity lottery every year allowing 55000 people to come here.Those guys don't have any reasons to come in the U.S. except the fact that they have filled an online application.We have reasons sufficient enough to stay here(according to IO or IJ opinion) and they adjust only 10000 of us.And this backlog!15 years to wait!I just can't imagine!! :mad:

I agree with Minsk. I have been here for 10 years already and no GC yet.
During these 10 years about 500,000+ people won their Green Cards in the lottery and most of them already enjoying their citizenships and all the freedoms.
I myself know a handful. Just pure luck and wish to relocate to US.
And here we are – working hard, stressing out, dealing with all this immigration staff, some of us trying to reunite with their families for years, praying for this backlog to disappear….
Green Card Lottery is so very unfair to asylees.
Oh, well. Do not want to depress you any more. Have a good weekend everybody!
I have another thoughts I wanna share with you.INS guys undestand that there is a problem with asylees.It's obvious.If they go this way further there is a possibility that people who will be granted asylums in 20 years won't have any chance to see their Green Cards at all because of a backlog.What if they decide to be more strick when granting asylums.As far as I know they don't have limit now.What if they decide to grant let's say 10000 asylums every year without passing any bills or regulations but just giving such instructions to IO and IJ?In this case they will solve the problem of backlog and won't give any benefits to asylees.Isn't it their goal? :rolleyes:
ayyubov said:
Then there will be a huge backlog with a pending asylum cases. Whats a point?

The point is that they don't want to adjust status of so many people.My friend applied for asylum recently.He said officer was very suspecious and even rude to him.His court was rescheduled two times because they were still reviewing his documents and evidences.And I heard the same stories from some other guys.I am afraid they already made their rules sricker.Plus as far as I know some senators were going to propose such bill that would make obtaining asylum status much harder than now as response to Senator Brownback's proposition of the amendment that would increase cap to 25000 adjusted asylees per year.
guys my edvise if you know any one is applying for asylum status for the perpose of geting the green card just tell this person to get married and save long trip of stress and struggle and waiting time , i know people are citizen now they came to this country 2 years after me!!!!!!!!!
Minsk said:
The point is that they don't want to adjust status of so many people.My friend applied for asylum recently.He said officer was very suspecious and even rude to him.His court was rescheduled two times because they were still reviewing his documents and evidences.And I heard the same stories from some other guys.I am afraid they already made their rules sricker.Plus as far as I know some senators were going to propose such bill that would make obtaining asylum status much harder than now as response to Senator Brownback's proposition of the amendment that would increase cap to 25000 adjusted asylees per year.

Well it depends from many factors if person will get an asylum or not. Most important thinf is a record about his country and political conditions (INS has all the main info about all the countries, which they call world records). I know a lot of people who got thier asylum (recently) without any problems.
You are not alone!

This year will mark my 16th anniversary in the US, and no GC! I have paid enough taxes that if I am to retire now, I'll collect about $1800/mo! :rolleyes:
ayyubov said:
Well it depends from many factors if person will get an asylum or not. Most important thinf is a record about his country and political conditions (INS has all the main info about all the countries, which they call world records). I know a lot of people who got thier asylum (recently) without any problems.

Yes you are right.One of the first thing they look at is sitution with human rights and political freedom in the country of origin.And they make this records every year.But if they impose limit on the amount of asylums approved every year, like they have for refugee, then you chances will be much less even if you are from dictatorship country.In this case they won't be able to let everyone in even if people seems to have reasons sufficient enough to be approved.
sickwaiting said:
guys my edvise if you know any one is applying for asylum status for the perpose of geting the green card just tell this person to get married and save long trip of stress and struggle and waiting time , i know people are citizen now they came to this country 2 years after me!!!!!!!!!
I am an asylee i dont need Greencard at all i just need my family to be able to visit me without any problems. I dont understand Why do u need a greencard while it doesnt give u anynithg u gotta wait anyway long time I dont even think about greencard.If i want a greencard i would get married or would apply through anysponsor. .But I am very gratefull to this country because It saved my life the rest is not important....The most important thing is Family reunion . I would never never apply for asylum to get GC .It is insane. Thatswhy i would be happy if DHS would make asylum approval harder to get. Because some people apply for asylum to get Work permit and Greencard .and after getting GC they visit their homecountry through neighboring country.it is not fair when somebody gets an asylum when they dont deserve it. I would be happy if asylee would wait for greencard longer than 5 years and a special interview before approving GC to an asylee . If his situtaion still risky . I will be happy to return home if situation will be better . :cool:u cannot sell your motherland and leave your family, friends only for money....It means Money is more important than those people.
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Not really!


The problem is that without the D***n GC, and subsequently US citizenship, there is not much you can do in this country, unless you want to do odd jobs, live off welfare, no need to travel overseas, etc.. This is to me sounds like being in a big golden jail as opposed to the jail that you would be in if you were back home (alive of course). And keep in mind that the way things are going, it seems like you could be deported if you commit a traffic violation and you are not a US citizen. Until you are a US citizen, in this country, you are nobody, and you have no rights whatsoever. Let’s face it.

We all agree that this country is great and we are grateful, but remember, we are paying back and contributing as well. Other free nations are dong the same thing, but better and more efficiently.

In my case, I had a decent education (I paid for it myself), and what I learned is highly in demand, especially by the US government. I was hoping one day to join a federal agency like the FBI, but because of the lack of GC, and thefor US citizenship, I was forced to accept jobs that any person with high school qualifications would not accept. While 55000 new immigrants, in addition to refugees come to this country each year, most of who hardly have high school diplomas, and I see them becoming US citizens while I am spending my day on forums like this (no offense) waiting for a glimpse of hope.

My friend, you just do not know how frustrating it's, if your only goal is to be able to have your family visit you, then that's your choice, but many people here fled their countries in hope of escaping prosecution and better themselves. After 16 years in anticipation, I am starting to wonder was it really worth it?

***BTW, are you a friend with Ashcroft, or do you work for the INS(I stil like to call that way)?***reading your coments, I wonder ;) !
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sickwaiting said:
guys my edvise if you know any one is applying for asylum status for the perpose of geting the green card just tell this person to get married and save long trip of stress and struggle and waiting time , i know people are citizen now they came to this country 2 years after me!!!!!!!!!

Asylum is an extraordinary benefit for people fleeing from persecution, not an immigration shortcut for people who want to live here but do not otherwise qualify for a visa.
Minsk said:
Yes you are right.One of the first thing they look at is sitution with human rights and political freedom in the country of origin.And they make this records every year.But if they impose limit on the amount of asylums approved every year, like they have for refugee, then you chances will be much less even if you are from dictatorship country.In this case they won't be able to let everyone in even if people seems to have reasons sufficient enough to be approved.

Though the asylee adjustment cap caused an excessive delay in my becoming a green card holder, I agree with the need for the cap. We as a country need to impose control over our borders. And the asylee cap is an expression of that control.
hampton8844 -

You know, the cap doesn't bother me as much as the long wait for citizenship. I agree with you about maintaining control, but on the other hand - it does have rather bad consequences.

I think the culprit is the 22K visas that the INS should have used. If that had taken place all persons who applied in 98,99, and 00 would have been adjusted by now - reducing the wait time. I waited 4 years for my GC - and at times I feel as though that was not so bad. What worries me is the 15 year wait some people are facing.
Asylum officers have very a hard job trying to distinguish between real refugees and those who fabricate stories and use asylum as a vehicle to legalize their status. I believe most of them would rather accept a few quacks rather than risk sending a real victim back to his tormentors. For this reason the asylee backlog is so huge. If they had been stricter then many current asylees would have never been approved.

I too also wish that asylum officers interview the asylees before adjustment to help catch fraud.

I am an asylee i dont need Greencard at all i just need my family to be able to visit me without any problems. I dont understand Why do u need a greencard while it doesnt give u anynithg u gotta wait anyway long time I dont even think about greencard.If i want a greencard i would get married or would apply through anysponsor. .But I am very gratefull to this country because It saved my life the rest is not important....The most important thing is Family reunion . I would never never apply for asylum to get GC .It is insane. Thatswhy i would be happy if DHS would make asylum approval harder to get. Because some people apply for asylum to get Work permit and Greencard .and after getting GC they visit their homecountry through neighboring country.it is not fair when somebody gets an asylum when they dont deserve it. I would be happy if asylee would wait for greencard longer than 5 years and a special interview before approving GC to an asylee . If his situtaion still risky . I will be happy to return home if situation will be better . :cool:u cannot sell your motherland and leave your family, friends only for money....It means Money is more important than those people.
The loss of the 22K visa is typical INS ineptitude. By the way, they also "lost" visas for other types of immigration programs, not just asylum.

My guess is that Congress will fix the asylum cap sooner rather than later, probably as part of the huge immigration reform package that Bush is instigating for. Probably in exchange they will have to pass some strict provisions to combat fraud (like seizing national passports like other countries do or gives the INS more money to launch fraud investigations).

LolaLi said:
hampton8844 -

You know, the cap doesn't bother me as much as the long wait for citizenship. I agree with you about maintaining control, but on the other hand - it does have rather bad consequences.

I think the culprit is the 22K visas that the INS should have used. If that had taken place all persons who applied in 98,99, and 00 would have been adjusted by now - reducing the wait time. I waited 4 years for my GC - and at times I feel as though that was not so bad. What worries me is the 15 year wait some people are facing.