It's my turn - Approved


Registered Users (C)
Cannot believe it !!! RD 09/26/2001. Wife approved as well

Approved on 09/15/03, received the courtesy copy Today (09/22/03).
Online says "status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time ", but the 800 number says "approved".

Details as follows.
RD 09/26/2001
ND 12/26/2001
RFE 12/06/2002 - Emp. Letter and paystubs
2nd FP 06/28/03
AD: 09/15/03

I had visited this forum for a looong time, it really helped me keep the hope that i would be approved some day.

started to expect the worst after seeing some cases being transferred to local offices just at the 2 year mark. I had switched jobs twice since i filed the petition, and while responding to the RFE i sent emp letter from first company and company financial statements. ( they were not required but lawyer insisted, since i had switched from original company this avoids further RFE)

I did contact my senator(Sen. Cornyn), and signed a petition directed to VSC director that was put together by 485102001 and other folks of this forum.

Thanks to all of them, I think all this definitely helped.

Best of Luck to everyone else on this forum, specially the long delayed cases from sept/oct. I do understand very well how it feels.

I will have some Dom Perignon tonight to celebrate.

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GC-veteran: congrats and question

First things first, congratulations on completing your marathon!

I have a question for you: What exactly did you send for the company's financial statements ? Was it company's tax returns or something like the annual/quarterly financial results? I am in the same situation but my new employer doesn't want to provide the tax records.
Please enlighten.
Did send financial results


i did send the company's financial statement as of june 30, 2002. it was though to get it from them, i don't blame them because it has a lot of financial information about the company.

the company's results were a 200+ page document, which i didn't really bother looking at. i guess it was different from other companies because the parent co is in the UK, so the company reported as a branch of the UK firm.

Good Luck
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