Is it true about the protest on march 29, 2011 in washington dc by TVU students!!!

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Students still have to abide by the law, no matter what.

No, it is NOT.
You do absolutely NOT have the right to an education in the US. Period.
Who are you to decide that i dont have the right to higher education in US. I'm glad some universities dont have mad people like you who go to the extent of denying education just for being duped by another universities. Jealousy, the second name of Jo1234, who thinks only he is entitled to higher education.

Universities have the freedom to decide who they accept, in particular for graduate studies.
Yes, they do have the freedom to accept or deny my application. But they cannot discriminate against students for previously being enrolled in another university.

You do NOT have a right for a continued education in the US. If you want to continue your education, you are free to do so in your home country.

Oh, now it is a "different issue"...
The law is what matters, not what it written in some catalog.
Did you reside near TVU, or did you move there? If not, how did you plan to attend classes in person?
I had time to decide till 01/24/2011 whether i wanted in-person or live classes.

Sigh. You do NOT have a right to education in the US. You are a guest in this country. You are free to go to your home country to continue your education.
I suggest you read up on US law AND follow it before making a fool of yourself.
yeah right!! By explaining to fools, i am only making a fool of myself

You just make a fool of yourself with this BS about human rights violations.
Or are you claiming that everybody in the world has a right to study in the US?
No i am not claiming that everyone has the right to study in USA. Don't make sweeping generalizations of my statement. You rather ask me if it is not clear to you. What i intend to say is it is SEVP and Susan Su who messed it and it is they who should clean it up. It is heck their problem if SEVP didn't do its job properly before approving it. Students were given permission to study in USA and should be allowed to do so.

I said Susan su has abused right to education because she has blatantly lied to all students. Su was the DSO of TVU. A DSO is a government agent. Students are entitled to get correct information from DSO. DSO is supposed to be transparent and honest about the school and its standing. Susan su has concealed facts and SEVP has facilitated that. She pretended to impart quality education to students while the school was not even authorized to do so. This was abuse of education with no regard to students and their careers. Students don't need to pay the price by ruining their careers for some one else's fault. At this point comes the rights violation. When students were initially approved to study and then all opportunities were snapped off from students. Furthermore some were incarcerated and treated like criminals.
Who are you to decide that i dont have the right to higher education in US.
And who are YOU to claim that your "human rights" have been violated?
The bottom line is that they haven't, and anybody claiming otherwise is delusional.

No i am not claiming that everyone has the right to study in USA. Don't make sweeping generalizations of my statement.
It is YOU who made completely ridiculous statements.

You rather ask me if it is not clear to you. What i intend to say is it is SEVP and Susan Su who messed it and it is they who should clean it up. It is heck their problem if SEVP didn't do its job properly before approving it. Students were given permission to study in USA and should be allowed to do so.
No, they were given permission to study at TVU, not anywhere else.
To study at some other university, you have to be accepted by that university, and you have to follow the US laws.
And other universities are free to deny your application, for whatever reasons they deem valid. YOU don't have input into that.
Claiming that your "human rights" are violated if you don't get accepted at another university is a completely and utterly ridiculous claim. Get out of that delusion.

I said Susan su has abused right to education because she has blatantly lied to all students.
Then take it up with her.

Su was the DSO of TVU. A DSO is a government agent. Students are entitled to get correct information from DSO.
No, they are NOT entitled to that.
The LAW and ONLY the law is what matters.

DSO is supposed to be transparent and honest about the school and its standing. Susan su has concealed facts and SEVP has facilitated that. She pretended to impart quality education to students while the school was not even authorized to do so. This was abuse of education with no regard to students and their careers.
Then take it up with her.
Oh, and it should have been obvious to you that TVU didn't have quality education.
TVU didn't have accreditation. Accreditation means that there is a certain decent quality education. Without accreditation, an institution can make up grades, anything. That's why it is important to check the accreditation. And that has nothing to do with SEVIS at all.
And THAT is more likely why other, real universities don't accept people from TVU. The grades and transcripts from TVU don't mean anything. They are as bogus as the whole institution.
That's what signing up with a diploma mill gives you. A worthless piece of paper, only good as toilet paper.

Students don't need to pay the price by ruining their careers for some one else's fault.
Then take it up with her.

At this point comes the rights violation. When students were initially approved to study and then all opportunities were snapped off from students.
And the approval can be revoked when information is obtained that there was fraud involved.
Furthermore some were incarcerated and treated like criminals.
They violated US laws, plain and simple. Somebody who is out of status is deportable and the US laws say that such people can be detained and can get ankle brackets.
No different than for any other person who is illegally in the US.
Are you also protesting the treatment of other illegals, e.g., people from Mexico who get deported back to Mexico, or are you just complaining because it happened to people from your country?

And finally, read this:
And do something good for humanity for a change: tell all your fellow countrymen and -women who have signed up with these other frauds to get out of there immediately, before it is too late.
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What a pathetic arguement are you making. May i know the basis of your arguement. Well, the problem for delaying the lawsuit is not because students are guilty deep down but because the students are dispersed across united states. Even if they are organized they are organized in small groups. without all students being united, it is difficult to gain momentum for the cause. I called up john vandenburg's office. I am willing to testify but i have not been issued NTA as yet. They are mainly looking for people who have been ankle tagged and been unlawfully treated by ICE.

As for a suit against Susan Su, there was thread here, but it went no where. Looks like the OP dissappeared. I am not going to leave things like this. I am just waiting for getting back in status. That is my priority now. It is my responsibility to fight for my rights. Right to Education of Indian immigrant students has been severely misused by Susan Su and been facilitated by SEVIS.

When was the education of a foreign national a right in the US? You have the right to apply for a visa and entry. If granted entry, you have the responsibility to obey US laws - even ones you do not like. You have the right to leave the US anytime you want to. You do NOT have the right to make demands on the US government for forgiveness when you violate the laws - even unknowingly.
People unfamiliar with US laws need to understand that a license to operate (and issue I-20s) must be granted when an institution complies with the rules governing the program. The ability to operate and issue I-20s cannot be arbitrarily withdrawn; there must be proof of violation of the laws before the government can revoke that license.

In the US, it is assumed that people will do the right thing and only when proven that they have done wrong can they be punished. Consequently, there is the saying "let the buyer beware". Any responsible, reasonably intelligent prospective student should have realized that any institution making promises that other institutions could or would not was suspicious. For profit educational institutions are like any other business; they are in it for the money. Institutions sponsored by a governmental entity are overseen by that entity. Those run as "not for profit" by churches or properly registered organization are also overseen by a governing board drawn from business and community leaders who volunteer their time for free or small payments; these people have too much to lose to be involved with sham institutions. If an institution has a disproportionately large number of foreign trained individuals as faculty and staff members, it is questionable to me. Why are US citizens not involved? In the US, you should expect involvement by all ethnic groups in a proportion in keeping with the overall population in legitimate organizations. With a few exceptions, legitimate institutions do not cater to one ethnic group and certainly not to a particular group of foreign nationals. When TVU's student body was almost entirely Indian, that should have been a flag that something was amiss. Why were USCs not attending if it was such a good institution - especially since they had far more flexibility as to online study that F1 visa holders.

FWIW, I would never attend or permit a member of my family to attend a "for profit" school.

While I in some ways sympathize with individuals who have been taken advantage of by Dr. Su, it was possible only because they could/would not get a legitimate university education whether due to greed, intellectual ability, prior training or just plain stupidity - none of which were my responsibility.
Stop insulting TVU students, Fed has already announced that majority of TVU students are transferring to TVU from well accredited reputed universities!
Stop insulting TVU students
Ms. Su, when are you going to apologize to your victims?

Fed has already announced that majority of TVU students are transferring to TVU from well accredited reputed universities!
Huh? Nobody transfers TO TVU...
As usual, you show your lack of understanding the English language. How did you get your PhD? Did you hire a ghostwriter?
And the Feds can not announce anything. No university can be forced to accept people who went to a diploma mill. The Feds don't own universities. You seem to think that what some Indian newspapers report has any value...
mistaken identity

Stop insulting TVU students, Fed has already announced that majority of TVU students are transferring to TVU from well accredited reputed universities!

Aren't you Susan Su president of TVU? I only ask because you use the same Grammar and creative writing as she uses in official letters and documents.
Stop insulting TVU students, Fed has already announced that majority of TVU students are transferring to TVU from well accredited reputed universities!

If they were attending highly regarded institutions, why on Earth would they transfer to a unacknowledged institution if not for greed - or just plain stupidity. No intelligent individual whose first concern was an education would do so since the name recognition of the university from which a degree - graduate one especially - is very significant for future job opportunities.
When was the education of a foreign national a right in the US? You have the right to apply for a visa and entry. If granted entry, you have the responsibility to obey US laws - even ones you do not like. You have the right to leave the US anytime you want to. You do NOT have the right to make demands on the US government for forgiveness when you violate the laws - even unknowingly.
Go back and read my statement again. I mentioned the student's right to fair education was abused by susan su. I use the word abused because she has blatantly lied to students, concealed facts and was not honest or transparent in her dealings with students. It was facilitated by SEVP by approving such an institution. No one is making any demand on US government. But all i am demanding is fairness in dealing with this issue. It is SEVP and Su who messed it and they should clean it up. SEVP and Susan Su have to be brought to justice for playing around with so many people. Students need to be compensated for having their careers and finances jeopardized because of SEVP and Susan Su's mistakes. Why should any one suffer because of some one else's faults. Immigrant students are entitled to getting correct information from SEVP. While the school was not even allowed to operate after jan, 2010, it was still listed as approved schools as late as feb 2011.
Go back and read my statement again. I mentioned the student's right to fair education was abused by susan su. I use the word abused because she has blatantly lied to students, concealed facts and was not honest or transparent in her dealings with students.
Then take it up with Ms. Su instead of trying to shoot the messengers.

It was facilitated by SEVP by approving such an institution. No one is making any demand on US government.
LOL. Have you read the letters of Mr. Khanna?

But all i am demanding is fairness in dealing with this issue.
Where was YOUR fairness? Where was YOUR consideration of the needs of the real students, who, because of your actions, now have a harder time getting a student visa???

It is SEVP and Su who messed it and they should clean it up. SEVP and Susan Su have to be brought to justice for playing around with so many people.
SEVP cleans it up by having sued Ms. Su.

Students need to be compensated for having their careers and finances jeopardized because of SEVP and Susan Su's mistakes.
What piece of bollocks.
It was YOU who jeopardized your own career and finances by signing up with an obvious fraud.
YOU should compensate the government and the tax payers like me for having to clean up after YOUR participation in this fraud.

Why should any one suffer because of some one else's faults.
It was YOUR fault to sign up with what everybody with a brain could see was a fraud.
It was YOUR fault. It is YOU who is responsible for YOUR actions.
YOU should pay us for having to deal with YOUR fraud.
EVERYBODY with a brain KNEW that TVU was a fraud. Don't play the innocent victim, because you are NOT. You were a willing participant in the fraud.

And WHEN do you start speaking out against all the other frauds, the ITU, Herguan, UNVA, UoNA? Do something good for humanity for a change.
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Then take it up with Ms. Su instead of trying to shoot the messengers.
It is obvious that it would be taken up against her

LOL. Have you read the letters of Mr. Khanna?
Since when did Mr Khanna become my spokesperson. Take it up with him if you have a problem with what he said!!

Where was YOUR fairness? Where was YOUR consideration of the needs of the real students, who, because of your actions, now have a harder time getting a student visa???
Completely irrelevant bullshit.. Can you tell me of a single instance where a student in another university is denied visa because of TVU. Tell me even if anyone had a so called 'harder time to get visa' because of TVU. Speak facts and not your imagination.
What piece of bollocks.
It was YOU who jeopardized your own career and finances by signing up with an obvious fraud.
YOU should compensate the government and the tax payers like me for having to clean up after YOUR participation in this fraud.
What loss did you suffer because of TVU?.. SEVP has gulped thousands of dollars, TVU has gulped millions of dollars. How have you suffered?.. What loss did the govt. incur because of TVU?.. They have demanded Susan su to forfeit all her property right?.. Govt. has made only profit by misleading foreign students. If at all anyone has suffered loss, it is the students.

It was YOUR fault to sign up with what everybody with a brain could see was a fraud.
It was YOUR fault. It is YOU who is responsible for YOUR actions.
YOU should pay us for having to deal with YOUR fraud.
EVERYBODY with a brain KNEW that TVU was a fraud. Don't play the innocent victim, because you are NOT. You were a willing participant in the fraud.
Preach this peace of bs to SEVP. Many more careers and futures would be saved.

And WHEN do you start speaking out against all the other frauds, the ITU, Herguan, UNVA, UoNA? Do something good for humanity for a change.
For sure i'll speak up against other frauds before many students are duped. Yeah i wont write in forums, i'll complain to relevant authorities to take action against fraudulent universities.
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Completely irrelevant bullshit.. Can you tell me of a single instance where a student in another university is denied visa because of TVU. Tell me even if anyone had a so called 'harder time to get visa' because of TVU. Speak facts and not your imagination.
It is obvious to anybody who has a brain that in response to TVU, ITU, Herguan, UNVA and similar diploma mills it will get harder to get student visas.

What loss did you suffer because of TVU?
My tax dollars are needed to investigate frauds like TVU.

WHEN do you start speaking out against all the other frauds, the ITU, Herguan, UNVA, UoNA? Do something good for humanity for a change.
My tax dollars are needed to investigate frauds like TVU.
Well, the millions of dollars got by duping students will be more than sufficient for ICE to investigate TVU. You tax dollars are not required. But then if you got to stay here you need to pay your taxes. You can't be exempt from paying taxes.
Well, the millions of dollars got by duping students will be more than sufficient for ICE to investigate TVU.
ICE hasn't gotten the money yet. That is in front of a judge.

You tax dollars are not required.
They are. The case probably costs more than the money Ms. Su laundered.

When do you start speaking out against all the other frauds, the ITU, Herguan, UNVA, UoNA? Do something good for humanity for a change.
He did. He sends out letters on behalf of all TVU students.
If you haven't authorized him to do that, tell him.
Until then, I assume that he speaks for you.

Please speak to him if you have a problem with what he has stated. Participate in those conference calls and get it clarified. I am not obligated to give you any kind of explaination of what Mr. Khanna has said. Seek explaination from him.
Speak facts and not your imagination!!..

Funny, that's the same thing some people said before TVU got raided...
The facts will eventually be known and I will once again be vindicated.
It is well known how much deportation of a person costs. It is likely that this case costs a lot more than the money Ms. Su laundered.

When do you start speaking out against all the other frauds, the ITU, Herguan, UNVA, UoNA? Do something good for humanity for a change.
Please speak to him if you have a problem with what he has stated. Participate in those conference calls and get it clarified. I am not obligated to give you any kind of explaination of what Mr. Khanna has said. Seek explaination from him.
He is speaking for you, not for me. He is YOUR spokesperson.
If you say he isn't your spokesperson, YOU would have to tell him that.
Until then, he speaks for you, and he is making demands to the US government on your behalf. So, you earlier statement is wrong until YOU tell him to stop making such demands on your behalf.
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