interview question on dual citizenship


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I am from Canada which explicitly allow dual citizenship. I just spoke to a friend who came out of citizenship interview and he told me he was questioned on what he's going to do with his citizenship. Well, it's easy for him to answer because he's from a country that does NOT allow dual citizenship and he has no intention to keep it.

What should be my answer? If I answer I intend to keep my Canadian citizenship because my country allows dual citizenship, would that jeopardize my US citizenship application?
I am from Canada which explicitly allow dual citizenship. I just spoke to a friend who came out of citizenship interview and he told me he was questioned on what he's going to do with his citizenship. Well, it's easy for him to answer because he's from a country that does NOT allow dual citizenship and he has no intention to keep it.

What should be my answer? If I answer I intend to keep my Canadian citizenship because my country allows dual citizenship, would that jeopardize my US citizenship application?

Most people don't get asked about this. Since the US also allows dual citizenship (even if a bit implicitly), I would just answer that you intend to keep your Canadian citizenship. The IO cannot force you to give it up. You may need to be firm but polite. You can also hint that you are going to swear an oath to "absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;" and leave it at that.
I am from Canada which explicitly allow dual citizenship. I just spoke to a friend who came out of citizenship interview and he told me he was questioned on what he's going to do with his citizenship. Well, it's easy for him to answer because he's from a country that does NOT allow dual citizenship and he has no intention to keep it.

What should be my answer? If I answer I intend to keep my Canadian citizenship because my country allows dual citizenship, would that jeopardize my US citizenship application?

If the IO tells you that you have to give up your Canadian citizenship, just take it in stride and say yes you're aware. The same thing happened to me: the IO tried to tell me that I would have to give up my Canadian citizenship to which I told him yes I knew (instead of going into a big argument that I really wouldn't have to). The reality is they can't do anything about your foreign citizenship, but they can deny your application if they fell that you are unwilling to renounce your foreign citizenship by swearing it in the oath.
If the IO tells you that you have to give up your Canadian citizenship, just take it in stride and say yes you're aware. The same thing happened to me: the IO tried to tell me that I would have to give up my Canadian citizenship to which I told him yes I knew (instead of going into a big argument that I really wouldn't have to). The reality is they can't do anything about your foreign citizenship, but they can deny your application if they fell that you are unwilling to renounce your foreign citizenship by swearing it in the oath.

Thanks, Bob, I'm Canadian too and appreciate your very practical-seeming advice. I'll keep this in mind, just in case this comes up.