interview date coming. what documents do i need?


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hi all,
my interview date is in three weeks. please help me with a list of all documents i need to take with me during the day of interview. please share your experiences of interview with me. please let me know if anyone had issues because of missing documents during interview day so that i can be careful.

The following is what I have put together for our interview, it’s by no means a definitive list, but these are the documents that apply to our case. I will take the originals and have made copies of the documents for the interview.

By searching other threads and the list below you should get a good idea of the documents needed for the interview. –Good Luck.

Appointment notice
Birth certificates
Marriage certificate
Passport and I-94
Petitioner's US passport
Naturalization certificate
Drivers Licenses
Medical (copy only)
Tax returns and W2 (3 years)
Pay stubs (last 4)
Employment confirmation letters
my I-797 approval notice (my H1-B)

Relationship support documents:

Joint documents:
Tax return
Bank accounts
Car insurance
Credit cards
Utility bills
Phone bills
Vacation tickets
Video card

Other evidence:
Wedding invitations and pictures
College transcripts (we met in college)
Name change acknowledgements (wife changed her name to mine after marriage)
Follow the instructions on the interview letter,
Bring originals,

Birth Certificate ( translated if in Foreign language) of both USC & applicant
Marriage license (Original Cert. copied from county clerk/ registrar)
Joint accounts, prrof of relationship Bills, anything with both names at same address,
Tax returns/ W2's
Wedding / engagement ring receipts, gift receipts
Photos/ Cards from anniversaries/ Birthdays,
Travel evidence
If you have a child between the two of you, the Childs Birth certificate

All of your NOA's receipt notices
Our Interview is August 30, and I am beginning to feel the stress too!!!
I am attaching a list of items we have prepared. I prepared my application by using document and photo sleeves followed by having the items bound together, I also had a second copy made for USCIS in case they wanted to keep anything. I hope the attached list helps. Good Luck!!! :)
How cool great idea to bring a picture of your Dog :)

see attached for a picture of our pet We bought him when we started dating , we can't get him wet and never , ever feed him after midnight,

We will take his photo with us too, that's a good idea
Addie_Goodvibes said:
How cool great idea to bring a picture of your Dog :)

see attached for a picture of our pet We bought him when we started dating , we can't get him wet and never , ever feed him after midnight,

We will take his photo with us too, that's a good idea

We also included the purchase papers/AKCregistration that we purchsed him together and his AKC name has our jointlame. We also have have vet bills that have us as owners. (The dog is like our kid :) lol)
Addie your dog is sooo cute. We have a toy pomeranian.
Peter lemonjello is not a dog, try and guess what he is,

Important disclaimer: I am not an attorney My advice is based on my personal expereince & common sense. Just like you all; I am a lay person (I have laid a lot of persons :D ) seriously though.. I did eat a kiwi today!
cateach said:
monchichi?? lol

A what? are the attached pictures monchichi? the writing on the "mystery packages" loosly translates as follows

Mon1 = Osaru (monkey) no Monkichi ( Monchichi)
Mon2= Torameri Degozaru"there is transparancy"
Mon3= Anshin Degozaru "have peace of Mind"

Peter~Lemonjello is an English Angora Rabbit
Monchichi was a joke - It was furry animal doll from the 80's
......You have stummped the Kindergaten Teacher!!
I guess the CSET I had to pass didn't cover that lol !!
The Angora Rabbit is adorable. :)
i think I recall monchichi now after doing a google search,

PeterLemonjello our Angora is considered our firts child. He is very special we take him everywhere with us, we even have a leash and let him play at beach, or park
Probably mentioned this before, but bring all the originals you made copies of to send in, plus copies of them - and bring the originals and copies of all your forms, letters, basically all coorespondance with USCIS.
Having an interview tomorrow. Do you need a new I-864(affidavit of support) for the interview? I already sent one I-864 with other forms in early May. thanks.
dqdq said:
Having an interview tomorrow. Do you need a new I-864(affidavit of support) for the interview? I already sent one I-864 with other forms in early May. thanks.

Unless something has changed, its not required, but I would bring it just in case. what's your timeline?
Documents I have prepared just in case:

- wife's report cards from gardes 1-12, college transcripts inlcuding grad
school, just in case the USCIS thinks she's not too bright for marrying a

- my reports cards from k-12, plus college, just in case they think I'm not too
bright for marrying a Yank (oh wait, my wife has a master's and I don't, do
you guys think that will be a problem? Do you think the USCIS will think this
marriage is a sham? Oh but wait again, my GPA was .02 higher than her's in
college, can that cause a problem? Oh man I am so scared)

- my driver's ed test showing I passed the first time so that the USCIS won't
think I will be a bad driver (I got one question wrong about how far from an
intersection you have to be to parallel park, do you think that could cause
a problem? what if the IO is a real stickler for parking rules? Someone
please help!!

- an affidavit from the bum down the road saying he has seen me and my wife
staggering home drunk together many a Friday night (this is just in case the
USCIS think I may drink and drive, the bum will attest to the fact I
walk home when drunk). Wait do you think the fact I drink beer Friday nights
will be a problem? What if the IO is a Mormon? Please advise me ASAP.

- an affidavit from our dog's psychologist which will say that our dog has
known us since birth 2.5 years ago and that we really are a legitimte couple
and that we treat the dog nicely (just in case the USCIS may think I'm
mean to animals and he's some kind of PETA nut)

- birth certificates of every human I have ever met, and a certfied copy just
in case, translated into French, Spanish, German, Farsi and Hebrew...just in
case the IO speaks one of those languages...oh no I didn't get a Swahili
translation, do you guys think that may cause a delay? Damn those Swahili
translators and their delays!!!

- pay stubs from my first job as a paper boy just in case the IO thinks I don't
work. Oh crap, I only made $20 a week at that job which is way below the
I-864 minimum. What should I do? Get a sposor? And if so should I include 3
years of tax returns even if my sponsor made $190,000,000,000 last year
but only made $15,200 in 2004?

Anything else you might think of? I am so scared. I haven't even got my interview notice yet and am already panicking. PLEASE HELP!!!
That's what we have so far....still hoping to get an interview one day.....

- Proof of 9 overseas trips (+2 in the next months) we did together in the last two years. Proof includes boarding passes (some got lost), hotel receipts, pictures.
- 804 wedding pictures on a DVD (we'll print some of them). Album hasn't been done (mother-in-law is taking care of it)
- Engagement ring receipt :eek: (They should make me a citizen right away with that....oh...wait....I paid cash....maybe not :p )
- Wedding invitation, wedding RSVP cards, wedding cards from friends & family (wait....I did throw out the I in trouble? :D )
- 401k with wife as sole beneficiary.... (knocking on woods right now...and I don't tell you what we do in Italy instead... :p )
- Life insurance with her as sole beneficiary (knocking on wood even more)
- A couple of Amex and electricity joint bills.