Interim EAD at atlanta INS

I am going for my interim EAD tomorrow at Atlanta INS. My notice date was sept 24, 2002, since its been more than 90 days.
I just wanted to know if anyone has gotten there interim EAD recently from Atlanta INS. What are the things I need to take with me, what kind of experience to expect and how early should I go there?

Please advise.
May be someone can verify this:

1. EAD receipt
2. Letter from company stating when your current EAD expires and that you cannot continue to work unless it is approved. This seems to be the very important document they ask.
I got my EAD renewed on this Monday, 01/06/03 at the Atlanta INS.
They need a new form I-765, a copy of your 485 receipt, and a copy of your I-765 receipt.
You also need to take your current EAD card. They will keep it when the new EAD is issued to you.
Also, take your passport in case they want to look at it (though they were looking at it only for people for whom it was a first-time EAD).
Thanks for the help.
Could you also tell me:

1. how early now I need to go ( when do they open)?
2. Do I have to take my pictures?

Also, my EAD expired and I can't take a letter saying I can't work without the new one , since I am still working at my current job even though the EAD expired on the 18th of December. So in other words I won't have a letter from my employer. My lawyer said as long as your employer don't say anything , don't even mention it since technically I am eligible to work even though the current EAD expired since the renewed one actually startes from the last day of the old EAD.

I am going for interim EAD since its been more than 90 days and we can get an interim one and my wife can start looking for a job.
Please advise.
Thanks so much
1. The office opens at 7:30 in the morning, tokens are issues till noon, and the office closes at 3 pm. If you go to the INS website, and go to the Field Offices, all the info for Atlanta INS is there.

A queue is formed outside the office in the morning. We had reached at 7 am, and there were already about 20 people ahead.
But there is no point in going real early, as for EADs they work on the cases of people with appointments first. I am not sure about how to obtain an appointment for it.

All the walk-ins are handled after the appointments. Though we were there early in the morning, we had to keep sitting in the waiting area for EADs, and were called at around 3:20 pm only.

Do not go too late either as the front desk has a quota for the number of people to be handled each day and they may not fill out the paperwork for you if the quota is over

The working hrs are till 3:00 pm, but the lady there continued to work after that so that all the walk-ins in the room could also get the EADs.

They take all form, and receipts submitted by walk-in people upstairs to do some validations in the 'system'.

2. You do not need to take your pictures. They do it there for you in the 'Work Permits' Room.

3. The issue date of the Interim EAD was not from the expiry date of my old EAD. The old one expires on 01/11/03. But my new EAD is valid from 01/06/03 to 01/06/04. Same for my spouse. The dates that your lawyer mentioned are true for Renewal EADs issued by the actual service centers.
Get in early enough for Temporary EAD in Atlanta

While, it is certainly true that the Atlanta INS Office adjudicates the appointments followed by walk-ins, it is certainly NOT true that all the walk-ins for temporary EADs would be adjudicated within a single business day.

I was turned away the previous day, when I went in at 9 AM. They said that Atlanta INS office has a maximum of 10 applicants per day for the temporary EADs.

The next day, I had to go at 5 AM and I was already 9th in the line. I was given token number 4 for the temporary EAD queue.

Since they took up the appointments first, by the time I was walking out of the Atlanta INS office it was 4 PM in the evening.

Yes, I had spent 11 hours at the INS, Atlanta downtown office. This was in November 2002 and it was 32 degrees with winds during the wee hours. So a heavy jacket with flasks of coffee do certainly help.
Documents to be taken for EAD

1) Passport
2) I-94
3) Visa documents
4) I765 - Receipt Acknowledgement from INS to prove that 90 days have elapsed.
5) Letter from the Attorney, positing to the INS officials about my right to a temporary EAD, pending adjudication of an EAD petition at the Texas Service Center, after a minimum lapse period of 90 days.
6) Letter (kind of bonafide certificate) of attestation that I am an employee of good standing, etc. from my employer.

But Alas, what am I to say :) The local Atlanta INS officials who handle temporary work permits are bunch of simpletons. The officer messed with my Alien Number, even though I immediately brought to her attention that the Alien number on the temporary work permit should match and tally with that in the pending petition with TSC and that she should NOT give me an EAD for one-year, but just a temporary EAD for 6 months. Of course, this officer would not relent.

So, I approached the customer service, where another officer basically took my issue with the officer who had granted me the temporary EAD. After a lot of confabulations and some running between pillar-and-post, I had to barge out of the local-office gnashing my teeth.

It was hell of a nightmare to see how glibly people can work. Hope it doesn't have to be that way for you!
I went for I-EAD at atlanta office today.

I was there at 5:30am and was 20s in the line. We were allowed in starting 6:30am and before my turn came to get the ticket/token, they announced that the walk-in EAD quota is done for the day. There were a lot of people who left disappointed.

They only give 10 EADs per day.

Guess we have to take a sleeping bag and goto the INS gate (golden gate?) previous night itself...

INS is ridiculous....
Be in line between 4:30 - 4:45 AM


It seems like they haven't changed the rule of processing a maximum of 10 interim Application EADs per day.

Actually, I remember going there not at 5 AM, but was in line at 4:45 AM. This was in November 2002. The queue picks up in numbers between 5 AM and 5:30 AM. So, you got to be there before 5 AM, for sure.

Make sure that you have warm clothing and some hot drinks aplenty, else an attack of hypothermia is assured :)