INS local interview FAQ


Registered Users (C)
This information is gathered from posts on this and other newsgroup. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information so do not plan your life around it. This is not legal advice, I am not a lawyer.

Additions and corrections welcome. I plan to post this information now and then to the site.

A great source of information is Ciba\'s site @ Select the \'Personal\' link at the top and then item 2 on the main page (local office interviews).

The interview will be scheduled sometime at the latitude of the local office. \'Sometime\' can be in 2-3 months in SF and another lucky office in LA or 8-11 months in SJ. I have been waiting for 4 months.

You get an interview notice 2-4 weeks before the interview.

Sometime married applicants need bring proof that their marriage is bona fide. Also if you have ever been arrested you need to bring relevant documentation. If you have been member of the communist party you need to justify that aspect of your life. If you have used AC-21 to switch jobs you need of course bring documentation. If your finger prints have been rejected (too) many times your case will also be transferred.

It seems that some cases are transferred just for quality assurance, what ever that means.

Overall only a small percentage of cases are transferred. It seems that the number of transfer cases increased in recent months.

Most of the EB cases w/ interviews are approved - I have not heard of any rejected. Investor/refugee cases seem to be less lucky.

Some offices (SJ) may stamp your password at the end of the interview. Others (SF) send you home and communicate their decision in writing in a couple of weeks.

Don\'t despair, other people are in the same situation. FB applicants wait for 2 years for the interview.

Good luck!
What is the definition of Local Office ?

What is the definition of Local Office ? Is it local to where we live or local to the employer address. In my case, I have always lived in Mid west but my company is HQed in CA. My GC has been filed with CSC.
If called for an interview will I go to an office in Midwest or CA ??

Any insights ?

