Incorrect Priority Date on BEC Screenshot


Registered Users (C)
I am in the process of applying 8th year extension but I have not received the 45 day letter yet from Dallas BEC. Our attorney requested for a screen shot to support my H1B extension but on this screen shot the dates are incorrect. It lists as:
Case Received Date 10/13/2004
Case Priority Date 10/13/2004

But we filed our petition on January 9th 2004.

I finished my first 6 years of H1B on 24th Jan, 2005 and applied for 7th year extension now it times to apply for 8th year extension. Since the priority date on Screen Shot is incorrectly mentioned i have doubts about 8th year extension.
Note: When we applied my 7th year I attached the Receipt of Application from State Agency..

My attorney insists on applying with Screen Shot !!!!!!
Can someone help me in finding a way to sort out this issue ?????

Thanks a bunch in Advance
use SWA letter instead of the screenshot

You can use the same old SWA Notice u have for the extension..if the PBEC screenshot shows a diff PD, H1 extn may get rejected...

I filed for my H1 extn using the NYDOL letter which mention my LC filed and the caseNumber...I was worried too that I did not use the screen shot for the extn but I had no problem with the extn..

Also..on the other hand call up PBEC and mention them about the wrong PD..I had the problem with my Process type wrong in the screen shot instead of RIR it was TR...I replied back the email with the problem...In 10 days it was corrected and replied to me with the corrections... This is equally or more imp issue
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