Inadvertent Mistake in N-400


Registered Users (C)
I filled out all the dates for going out and coming back inside US correctly but where it says "Enter the total number of days stayed out of US during 5 years", I made an error. I don't know what I was thinking. Only explanation I could think of is that when I was "first" filling out the N-400 form, it must have been the days in 5 years preceeding that date. What should I do now, I mean apart from explaining this in the interview? My passport can verify the dates. Please advice. I am just concerned that the interviewer may not say that you filled this out wrongly, who knows maybe there are other things you did not take care of.
Produce the updated page at the interview and explain to them that it was a mistake. You have nothing to hide as the dates can be verified from the passport. I don't think that there is anything to be concerned about.
dingleberry said:
I filled out all the dates for going out and coming back inside US correctly but where it says "Enter the total number of days stayed out of US during 5 years", I made an error. I don't know what I was thinking. Only explanation I could think of is that when I was "first" filling out the N-400 form, it must have been the days in 5 years preceeding that date. What should I do now, I mean apart from explaining this in the interview? My passport can verify the dates. Please advice. I am just concerned that the interviewer may not say that you filled this out wrongly, who knows maybe there are other things you did not take care of.
Take it easy dude. It is just a small computaion error and it can be corrected at the time of the interview. Actually it may not even be looked at by the interviewing officer. If it comes up in the interview, just say that you calculated it incorrectly and the officer would be more than happy to correct it for you. No big deal. Don't loose your sleep and peace of mind thinking about it. Trust me it is a very minor thing. Probably the interview officers go over the entire application form with the candidate just to correct mistakes like this one. It is some kind of second chance the candidate gets to set things right if they have slipped initially.
dingleberry said:
I filled out all the dates for going out and coming back inside US correctly but where it says "Enter the total number of days stayed out of US during 5 years", I made an error. I don't know what I was thinking. Only explanation I could think of is that when I was "first" filling out the N-400 form, it must have been the days in 5 years preceeding that date. What should I do now, I mean apart from explaining this in the interview? My passport can verify the dates. Please advice. I am just concerned that the interviewer may not say that you filled this out wrongly, who knows maybe there are other things you did not take care of.

First: Stop worry :)
Second: Like GeeC said, at the interview make the correction. One of the reasons why there is an interview scheduled is to correct any error you've made on your N-400.
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Thanks everyone for responding. I am cool now :cool: I modified the relevant page and will present it at the interview. Should I volunteer for that or produce it if asked? I am thinking just volunteer as its an error on my part. GeeC : Good advice on taking the updated page. I was thinking of just verbally telling but seems like its a good idea in general to make USCIS people do as less work as possible !
dingleberry said:
Thanks everyone for responding. I am cool now :cool: I modified the relevant page and will present it at the interview. Should I volunteer for that or produce it if asked? I am thinking just volunteer as its an error on my part. GeeC : Good advice on taking the updated page. I was thinking of just verbally telling but seems like its a good idea in general to make USCIS people do as less work as possible !

I would present the updated page when the officer goes through the relevant page of N-400 during the interview.

Although general rule when it comes to dealing with INS is "do not volunteer" more information than what is requested/required, this is a genuine mistake that needs to be corrected and still is not going to jeopardize your case in anyway. Perfect place to play mea culpa!
dingleberry said:
Thanks everyone for responding. I am cool now :cool: I modified the relevant page and will present it at the interview. Should I volunteer for that or produce it if asked? I am thinking just volunteer as its an error on my part. GeeC : Good advice on taking the updated page. I was thinking of just verbally telling but seems like its a good idea in general to make USCIS people do as less work as possible !

You have nothing to worry about and don't need to bring an updated page. The officer will simply edit the form you submitted. That's less work that taking an updated page from you and adding it to your file.

dingleberry said:
Thanks everyone for responding. I am cool now :cool: I modified the relevant page and will present it at the interview. Should I volunteer for that or produce it if asked? I am thinking just volunteer as its an error on my part. GeeC : Good advice on taking the updated page. I was thinking of just verbally telling but seems like its a good idea in general to make USCIS people do as less work as possible !

If I may, I have a third opinion, after GeeC and Need Kelly.
I suggest you to reprint that particular page and after you swer to tell the truth, just hand it over to CIS officer.

It's absolutley 100% correct that you shouldn't volunteer any info...but this is not volunteering extra information this a correction to a mistake/"lie" in your application. I said "lie", because if the CIS agent asks you about that particular issue, and you didn't have a chance to say anything before, it may look like you're trying to lie and to get away with it, and that he just caught you!?!