Immigration freeze?


Registered Users (C)
I heard today on CNN that the government is considering freezing immigration (and closing the borders) for six months.
Does anyone have any more detailed info? I wonder also how the I-485s would be affected in such case.
To my knowledge, the 6mon-freezen is for

nonimmigration visa, espencially for the student (F) visa.
my god..

This process is a nightmare by itself. News like this makes it worse. I cannot sleep tonight!!
Thanks I read the article

The F-1s now. I don\'t know what comes next. Lou Dobbs today on Moneyline was saying that companies
now are looking more for customers rather than employees and immingration in general is not on the
top of government\'s agenda.
I believe that the least that we can expect is further delays. This road looks endless.
I was yesterday night on the main page of the website

Now I can\'t find it either.
Why is everyone worried?

Right now this is nothing more than idle speculation and musing by congressmen. I would wait for the hysteria to settle down before getting really worried. I\'ve seen a lot of really good and really bad ideas all die in the inertia that is Congress.