iEAD Help... Got an RFE also..


Registered Users (C)
My original apply date for EAD at CSC was 05/27/04. I got an RFE on July 12, 2004. RFE reply received by INS (as displayed on their website) on Aug 6, 2004. I was trying to read through many posts but could not figure this out--
Can I go at the end of august to get my iEAD or will the 90 days start after the RFE date. My local office is San Francisco.
Please help.
Depends. You have to try your luck. I couldnt get it from Philly office, but someone here got it from Baltimore office 3 days after the RFE response.

Good Luck!
Got IEAD on 91st day - in Cherry Hill Office,NJ

L2 based EAD applied for renewal with ND - 05/12/2004. No response for 90 days. No RFE either.

Got online appointment on the 91st day and walked out with IEAD in Cherry Hill, NJ office within two hours.

Great service at this South Jersey office,they deserve a pat.

No standing in line, only by appointments and professional service.

I got an appointment for 08/12/2004 online, not before 08/10/2004, I think they are pretty good here.
I called up Customer Service Phone Number on USCIS website (once you check the status with WAC number). Representative said, I'm not entitled for the iEAD. I need to wait for their response? Guys what's your suggestion? I didn't tell my WAC number or anything to them. Do you think going on 91st day for iEAD (from the date of application filed) is worth a try or not?
There is hope

I had a similar case.
In the beginning they put the EAD 'on hold' pending I140 approval.
The first time I went, they wouldn't give me an iEAD bc of the 'hold'.

At this point, about a year passed and in the meantime there were FP's on the I485, and an RFE on the I140.

Now, bc I needed the EAD, I went back to the local office. The very friendly officer (of indian heritage!) made some calls to the regional center and found out that the 'hold' had been lifted months ago, but that they just never processed the EAD application. The officer at the processing center informed him that they would pull the case for processing and that we should receive the EAD within two weeks. If I received nothing in two weeks, I should come back to him personally and he could issue an iEAD then.
After two weeks, nothing had happened except for a LUD change on the online system. (we are 60 days after receipt of RFE response at this point)
So I went to the local office early in the morning. When my number came up the officer wasn't in yet, so I asked the officer at the desk to be passed over in order to wait for the friendly indian officer.

When he came in, he recognized me and my wife, took my application and started printing out stuff from the REAL computer system. He ran an IBIS check. When I saw him putting a date in the 'valid until' field on the top of the I765, I almost fainted.
I had to go to another room, get the index print and the photo done, 15 minutes later I walked out with a 8month iEAD !

So what do we learn:
- if they lift the 'hold' they don't automatically issue an EAD
- at times, there are friendly and human people working at CIS
- if you get refused for an iEAD bc your application is 'on hold', keep going back every month or so and try your luck. In the worst case, you wasted another morning.
- ignore the online systems bizarre messages
- an RFE on the underlying I140 doesn't necessarily block you from getting an iEAD
- the call-center is staffed by imbecile morons who have no f___ clue about immigration, the procedures of the service, the legal rights of immigrants etc. Don't waste your time.
- smile and be pleasant, even if you are beeing BS'ed with one of their usual excuses.
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Hi, My case is a little different than yours. The RFE was not on I 140 but on the EAD itself. BUt you are right, its worth a try everytime till I get it :)
> The RFE was not on I 140 but on the EAD itself.

Bummer ! From what I understand, that indeed will probably force you to wait until 91st day after the last 'action' on the I765.

> BUt you are right, its worth a try everytime till I get it

Whether it is 'worth' it depends on your hourly billing rate :)) I am lucky that we have a rather 'cozy' local office. Even on the worst day you won't find more than 50 people waiting in the morning. San Francisco is probably a different category of pain.

(I have come to realize that a whole generation of children of immigrants grow up under the impression that it is normal to spend a substantial part of your childhood waiting in line in front of the federal courthouse...)
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