I can't believe it is it true???


Registered Users (C)
This guys is telling me because i used to live in the usa and before i left the customs gave me a paper says that i'am suppose to leave the usa before 14 days if i don't i'll recieve a detantion! so i did leave before the date. and went to canada and applied for fefugee but i was denied in canada i'am scared that they will detain or arest me now when i go back to the usa! because canada denied me! they might think i didn't leave at the date they said i'am suppoet to leave on please let me know is it true??????????????????
what exactly is his problem? He is in Canada... and??? What status did he have in the US?

alright thx alot guys i'am trying t omeet the minister here and trying t ofigure it out with my lawyer!!