I am going home


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ok, I probably bored you to death with this issue but one of my friends, who has a green card based on asylum, has actually visited home and returned back last Friday. This is his experience : NOTHING HAPPENED!!! HE WAS LET INTO THE COUNTRY WITHOUT A SINGLE QUESTION. He presented his plastic card in addition to his country's passport. He may received a letter later on but noone even said anything to him. I made a dcision to go home and will do it this november. This will give me enough time to wait for him and see if he received any weird letter.
go enjoy your visite, a friend of mine went in December 2000. he stayed 2 weeks, came back, no problem, he applied for citizen last April. to let you know, he even he put down the countries he visited in his last visite including home country and no one said anything to him.
I've seen the same cases, however, you never know what kind of BCIS officer you will get to review your case. If they have problems in their lives, they will reflect that to your case. And trust me, I've seen that happen. Anyway, just my input
I have myself known people who have traveled to home countries after obtaining green cards through asylum. It totally depends on luck factor. If officer would be more knowledgable, he can ask you. But if you can show some severe circumstance that caused you to go back, you are fine.

Let me tell you this. By law you can go back even on asylum status. Its just that you would have to take permission and show a reasonable cause. So its not illegal or unconstitutional to go back. Yes you said earlier that you would face hardship if you go back but its not written on granite stone that you will not have harsh circumstances in future. They frown upon you only so that asylees do not start abusing the ASylum system (and a lot of people definitely do).

So make long story short, yes you can go back on green card, only make sure to demonstrate some reasonable circumstance which forced you to go back. If you went for vacation, and later asked by immigration you can be in trouble. But I can tell you this, you will be fine if you go for sick relative (parent etc.). If you read constitution an alien is allowed to travel anywhere in the world without exceptions. There is no limitations on countries and how you obtained your green card.

Finally if you are very concerned, go to canada on Reentry permit and come back to canada and drive down to USA. You have to show only green card while entering by road, nothing else.
My whole point is that do not be scared to go back if you have to in extreme circumstances. But do not abuse the system.

Best Regards,
Originally posted by wirelesssprint
ok, I probably bored you to death with this issue but one of my friends, who has a green card based on asylum, has actually visited home and returned back last Friday. This is his experience : NOTHING HAPPENED!!! HE WAS LET INTO THE COUNTRY WITHOUT A SINGLE QUESTION. He presented his plastic card in addition to his country's passport. He may received a letter later on but noone even said anything to him. I made a dcision to go home and will do it this november. This will give me enough time to wait for him and see if he received any weird letter.

I think it also depends a lot on your country's situation today, if things have changed since you applied for asylum, I think you don't have a single problem doing that.

Good luck in your trip and let us know your decision.
incredibly dumb idea

A person who even thinks about this in my view is blind to the political reality of the this country. The BCIS has been doing nasty things to people on the lightest excuse--and no excuse at all.

But well, this is your life, your green card and your future. Feel free to waste them.

If and when you are deported for asylum fraud, just do us a favor and do not post messages in this board from Belgrade saying how mean this Government is because you will have brought your own downfall.
Just an fyi: I have checked with my attorney as well and I respect his knowledge and opinion as he is one of the best in Seattle (most expensive too). He assured me that there would be no problems visiting the home country once the green card (I-485) is approved. He did not even mention the change of regime in the home country or things improving. For him it is a no-brainer. Just my 2 cents.
Re: incredibly dumb idea

Originally posted by viet30025
A person who even thinks about this in my view is blind to the political reality of the this country. The BCIS has been doing nasty things to people on the lightest excuse--and no excuse at all.

But well, this is your life, your green card and your future. Feel free to waste them.

If and when you are deported for asylum fraud, just do us a favor and do not post messages in this board from Belgrade saying how mean this Government is because you will have brought your own downfall.
i am not sure if you want to help me or you are just an angry person. God forgive you for your insult.

Dear Wirelessprint,

My suggestion is do NOT do it.

The BCIS has recently spoken on this. They strongly hinted that they will be very unforgiving.

Last time we talked about this we thought that harm could come only if they established asylum fraud on your part.


The apparent position of the BCIS is that they could terminate LPR status even in the absence of fraud. Indeed, CHANGED CONDITIONS BACK HOME ACTUALLY MAKE THEIR ARGUMENT STRONGER.

If anyone is interested in hearing more, let me know and I will give more information.
Good Luck

Go home and come back. Success follows the one who is bold and accepts challenges and risks in life.

I am sure you will be fine; in case something goes wrong-it is not a life and death issue.

Good luck! & Happy journey!

Keep us updated!
Re: NO

Originally posted by Gilbert
Dear Wirelessprint,

My suggestion is do NOT do it.

The BCIS has recently spoken on this. They strongly hinted that they will be very unforgiving.

Last time we talked about this we thought that harm could come only if they established asylum fraud on your part.


The apparent position of the BCIS is that they could terminate LPR status even in the absence of fraud. Indeed, CHANGED CONDITIONS BACK HOME ACTUALLY MAKE THEIR ARGUMENT STRONGER.

If anyone is interested in hearing more, let me know and I will give more information.

I am interested in learning more about this infrmation. Your imput is always valuable. please pm me or write to me publicly.
Re: Re: NO

Originally posted by wirelesssprint
I am interested in learning more about this infrmation. Your imput is always valuable. please pm me or write to me publicly.


Please do it publicly, probabbly there is more people interested on this issue.

This is insane. I can name 20 people who travel back and forth every year and have the exact same status as the rest of us. Why are some of you freaking out?
Also, think about this: What does Adjustment of status really mean? Why are we adjusting status? And what are we adjusting to. Aren't we CHANGING it from "asylee" to "green card holder." I know, I know, I know the whole god damn argument. The card still says A6 blah blah blah. But even when you become a citizen, your passport indicates where you were born and that you were naturalized. So what's the difference? Are you all suggesting we could never ever go home again? This is plain stupid.

My suggestion to all of you is to leave this matter up to each invidivual because we will never all agree. This reminds me of the whole employment authorization card issue and the games they have played with us for years. As many of you surely know, asylees have long been eligible to work "incident to status" but they secretly hid this FACT from the immigrant dummies and made us all renew our cards yearly just so they can profit from it. In this case, they want us to keep using their aweful, degrading refugee documents (and be treated like terrorists everywhere we go) so that they can continue profiting from us. Just think about all the sweet (and dirty) money they make this way.

It's common fucking sense: if you are allowed (and we clearly are) to travel with our national passports, this means that the country we are from has issued it, not the U.S. (thus that country, not the US, is giving us "shelter" because we remain its citizens), it's ludicrous to say that we cannot travel to that country. This whole thing would only, i REAPEAT ONLY, make sense if we weren't allowed to travel with our national passports to begin with. Then, I guess, I would understand. Otherwise, it's nonsense. Besides, I don't believe half the immigrant stories. I found from my own experience that people lie and exaggerate out of sheer spite and their need for drama.

Please, I beg you, stop scaring one other. This forum is useful because it helps people and makes them feel better about the situation not worse.
Thank you.
You should be fine. I just came back from home with both my home and travel passport. No problem or question asked.
Have a nice trip

I only agree with one thing, leave this matter to each individual and stop wasting our time discussing this matter. Common sense and current situation indicates not to travel back. You got the LPR because you argued fear of persecution and couldnt go back to your home country. Then, all of a sudden, once you get your card, you can safely travel to your home country. Isnt that suspicious?
Doesnt this merit further questioning? The answer, of course, is yes.
Dont agree neither with EAD comment nor the rest of your statement.
Final point here, it is up to each individual to risk the LPR status. An advise? I totally agree with Gilbert, dont do it.
You are going to do it, anyway? Well, it is up to you.

Good luck

Originally posted by Mirela
This is insane. I can name 20 people who travel back and forth every year and have the exact same status as the rest of us. Why are some of you freaking out?
Also, think about this: What does Adjustment of status really mean? Why are we adjusting status? And what are we adjusting to. Aren't we CHANGING it from "asylee" to "green card holder." I know, I know, I know the whole god damn argument. The card still says A6 blah blah blah. But even when you become a citizen, your passport indicates where you were born and that you were naturalized. So what's the difference? Are you all suggesting we could never ever go home again? This is plain stupid.

My suggestion to all of you is to leave this matter up to each invidivual because we will never all agree. This reminds me of the whole employment authorization card issue and the games they have played with us for years. As many of you surely know, asylees have long been eligible to work "incident to status" but they secretly hid this FACT from the immigrant dummies and made us all renew our cards yearly just so they can profit from it. In this case, they want us to keep using their aweful, degrading refugee documents (and be treated like terrorists everywhere we go) so that they can continue profiting from us. Just think about all the sweet (and dirty) money they make this way.

It's common fucking sense: if you are allowed (and we clearly are) to travel with our national passports, this means that the country we are from has issued it, not the U.S. (thus that country, not the US, is giving us "shelter" because we remain its citizens), it's ludicrous to say that we cannot travel to that country. This whole thing would only, i REAPEAT ONLY, make sense if we weren't allowed to travel with our national passports to begin with. Then, I guess, I would understand. Otherwise, it's nonsense. Besides, I don't believe half the immigrant stories. I found from my own experience that people lie and exaggerate out of sheer spite and their need for drama.

Please, I beg you, stop scaring one other. This forum is useful because it helps people and makes them feel better about the situation not worse.
Thank you.
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Re: NO

Originally posted by Gilbert

The apparent position of the BCIS is that they could terminate LPR status even in the absence of fraud. Indeed, CHANGED CONDITIONS BACK HOME ACTUALLY MAKE THEIR ARGUMENT STRONGER.

If anyone is interested in hearing more, let me know and I will give more information.

I am very interested to hear more about this. As far as I know there is no law that could support this claim but something could have been introduced recently. Please do share this information with the rest of us. Thanks.
Re: Re: Re: NO

Originally posted by cookiemonster

Please do it publicly, probabbly there is more people interested on this issue.

This issue was raised in a meeting between a local asylum office and attorneys/CBOs. The BCIS (or CIS, their preferred name) reasons as follows:

Adjustment of status as an asylee is NOT automatic. Under the law, the asylee must prove that as of the date of the I-485 decision he or she STILL has fears of persecution. If the asylee fails to do that, the CIS has to DENY adjustment AND terminate asylum. That said, the CIS has basically assumed that asylees have continued persecutions for adjustment purposes and this has rarely been an issue.

But when you go back right after GC and dare them to go after you, the CIS can very reasonably conclude that on the date of green card decision you had no persecution fears because conditions have changed (or that you believed they changed, which is also good enough for CIS purposes). Then the CIS will have a legal obligation to correct its error and rescind the green card decision. Does that make sense?

Leaving aside these boring points, I agree with Alanpero. You obtained your GC by convincing this government of the supposedly bad things that happened to you. Then you cannot wait to go back and to have a good time. To say this does not at least suggest a possibility of deception on the asylum claim insults people's intelligence. I do not see how this concept is so hard to understand.

To put it anothe way, at this time, there are over 140,000 asylees patiently waiting for a green card. If you can travel back so soon, you probably do not deserve a GC ahead of them.
It was not a "fact" that asylees did not need a work permit. Nor did anyone withhold any information on this matter.

The old versions of the asylum approval letter stated in black and white that an EAD was required. The SSA manual also said that asylees could only get a restricted EAD.

This policy was changed only 2001. When that changed occured, information was immediately posted on the SSA homepage and the ORR home page. The INS also amended the asylum approval form to reflect this new policy.

"Incident to status" does not mean that no EAD is needed. TPS people are also worked authorized incident to status, but they must obtain an EAD.
That is exactly right.
Somebody in this forum suggested that INS was on purpose making asylees to renew EAD's each year. Nothing farther from
The whole thing about asylees no needing EAD's came from the SSA, when they concluded that asylees should get unrestricted SS cards. Before that, asylees were issued only restricted cards.
I posted the SSA attement on that several years ago in this same forum when the number of visitors could be counted with the fingers of our hands.

Originally posted by Gilbert
It was not a "fact" that asylees did not need a work permit. Nor did anyone withhold any information on this matter.

The old versions of the asylum approval letter stated in black and white that an EAD was required. The SSA manual also said that asylees could only get a restricted EAD.

This policy was changed only 2001. When that changed occured, information was immediately posted on the SSA homepage and the ORR home page. The INS also amended the asylum approval form to reflect this new policy.

"Incident to status" does not mean that no EAD is needed. TPS people are also worked authorized incident to status, but they must obtain an EAD.
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