I-751 advice needed


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

Im a little confused with the application for I-751

Do i need to supply 2 passport style photgraphs? (im thinking they will photograph me at the biometrices again like they did last time?)

Do i need the affadavit of support? This is easy for me to get so im looking to get them done. What should they say? Is there a template as an example anywhere? Do they need to be notarized?

Also we havent files our taxes yet this year? I have last years joint filing, shall i just send that or wait another month to send this years too?


I filed my I-751 in decemeber, 2008. I didnt include any affidavit of support and no passport photos. They will call you for your biometrics and will take finger prints and digital photo. Last years tax returns should be sufficient.

If your wife or your inlaws are supporting you, then you should include an affidavit of support, otherwise I dont see a reason for it.

My Sister applied last year to remove the conditions in her PR and received a letter valid for one year but it expires in April this year. What should she do?
(Excuse me for not open a new post but I do not know how)
You only need photos if you reside overseas.
The affidavit letter do not have to be notarized but I think it is best to do it. I will sent my I-751 in 2 week. :)
Here something may help you.
Things you need to include on the affidavit:
• Person's full name, address and perhaps telephone.
• Their relation to you (friend, co-worker, neighbor, relative, etc)
• Length of knowing you (you-guys)
• How often seen/visited
• Perhaps, last occasion of visit.
• Perhaps a brief personal statement (whatever that may be, depends on the person).

I, __________, residing at _______________________________________,

Being duly sworn depose and say,

1. That I was born on _____________ at ______________.

2. That I am ____ years of age and have resided in the U.S. since _______.

3. That this affidavit is being submitted on behalf of the following persons:
____________________ & __________________

4. That this affidavit is being made by me for the purpose of assuring the U.S. government that the persons named in item 3 have a true and loving relationship that was entered in "good faith," and is not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws.

5. That I acquired my knowledge of the relationship between the persons named in item 3 in the following manner:
__________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ________


I swear (affirm) that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of person making this affidavit: _______________________________

I am doing my application by myself.