I-130 that it was approved 4 years back..... August 1999


New Member
Hello Mr. Khanna,

I was wondering if you could give me some advice regarding the course of action that I should take….

My family was given Immigrant visa in 1989 and we got our green cards, however after staying here for a few months my dad decided to go back to India. He alone was visiting here every year till 1996 to stay in status, mean while he applied re-petition for my brother and me in 1994. We haven’t received any kind of communication from INS ever since. I came here to US in Dec 2000 to pursue my Master’s on F1 visa. Now that I’ve graduated, I’ve taken H1B (Not yet stampped) and am working. Finally, today I got info regarding my I-130 that it was approved 4 years back..... August 1999 to be precise. Is there anything that I can do to get my GC? I was wondering if there is a way for me to get my green card again quickly.
Could we apply for adjustment in status or in any other way expedite the process?

Thanking you,
