Hurray! ..Byrd ammendment Defeated


Registered Users (C)
Just saw the voting on Byrd ammendment on senate was not accepted by the senate...

Votes in favor=14
Not in Favor = 85...

pretty good... I think thats a victory for now..

Not yet but when the bill finally clears through the senate and some other committee, it should make most dates jump years if not becoming current. I think it will get passed through senate by today or tomorrow. Not totally sure how much longer it will take after that before it comes into force.

I am positive that once this comes into effect, at least EB3+India cutoff date should go beyond my Oct 2002 PD :)
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I am happy for you gb04.
I am sure my EB1 numbers also move ahead.
Well, Can anyone paste site where little duffers like me can read about this proposal!
Friends....I am confused.....
What is the status,
Votes in favor=14
Not in Favor = 85...

which one is good and which one is bad...

.I am not familiar with rules ... Could some one explain whether they are make the change to increase the numbers and other changes ....
dbwr said:

Could you explain whats going on....
Well There was an ammedment proposed .(S 2367)for old proposed bill to the original bill (S 1932).
The passing of an ammedment means Dates will not move for long.
But good news is that the ammendment was not accepted so now old proposed bill become law if passed thru senate.
Now Gb04 please calirfy how do you expect that it will be done in two days!
i beleive it shd take 1-2 months!!!
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MrGC2004 said:
Well There was an ammedment proposed .(S 2367)for old proposed bill to the original bill (S 1932).
The passing of an ammedment means Dates will not move for long.
But good news is that the ammendment was not accepted so now old proposed bill become law if passed thru senate.
Now Gb04 please calirfy how do you expect that it will be done in two days!
i beleive it shd take 1-2 months!!!
In the current situation and the state of crisis, do not expect before next six months or later.
assur said:
In the current situation and the state of crisis, do not expect before next six months or later.
At. 05:51 p.m. (est), the full Senate passed S. 1932 after defeating Byrd Amendment. On the House side,
the House Budget Committee just passed the House version of the appropriation bill which is scheduled to the
full House action next week. The difference between the House bill and the Senate bill will be resolved
thereafter at the conference committee. Please stay tuned!
Labor_Wait said:
At. 05:51 p.m. (est), the full Senate passed S. 1932 after defeating Byrd Amendment. On the House side,
the House Budget Committee just passed the House version of the appropriation bill which is scheduled to the
full House action next week. The difference between the House bill and the Senate bill will be resolved
thereafter at the conference committee. Please stay tuned!
I wish it should go smoothly, and enact into a law soon.
At. 05:51 p.m. (est), the full Senate passed S. 1932 after defeating Byrd Amendment. On the House side,
the House Budget Committee just passed the House version of the appropriation bill which is scheduled to the
full House action next week. The difference between the House bill and the Senate bill will be resolved
thereafter at the conference committee. Please stay tuned!

wow!! thanks for the info. This is good news indeed.
this is what is mentioned on immigration-law
"On the House side, the House Budget Committee just passed the House version of the appropriation bill "
What does it mean "House version of the Bill"?
What is the difference between this and the Senate bill?

--Naveen Oshos
noshs said:
this is what is mentioned on immigration-law
"On the House side, the House Budget Committee just passed the House version of the appropriation bill "
What does it mean "House version of the Bill"?
What is the difference between this and the Senate bill?

--Naveen Oshos

Quick & Dirty explanation of how this works:

Generally two versions of a major legislation/bill are introduced, one in the Senate and the other in the House of Representatives (or just House). Before they are voted on (also called bringing to the floor), amendments are made to it and some go through and some are voted out. After each bill with all approved amendments is passed by a simple majority, the two different versions originating from the house and senate are then looked at by the Conference Committee to resolve the differences. Once they are resolved, the modified version is then sent to the President. Once he signs it (and doesn't veto it) it becomes the law (generally within 10 days).

Senator Byrd made an amendment to the bill which proposed taking out a section favorable to us in terms of retrogression. His amendment was voted out (85 said Nay to the amendment). The bill as a whole was passed.

Now the only wait is for the Conference Committee to resolve the differences and as I said earlier, I don't know how long that takes. After that, its only a matter of days before the President signs it into law.

To understand in detail how this works, read this:
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Thanks for the info gb04.
I just hope that the house version has most of the provisions of the Senate bill we desire and the final bill is not much different from the Congress Bill.
--Naveen Oshos
gb04 said:

Quick & Dirty explanation of how this works:

Generally two versions of a major legislation/bill are introduced, one in the Senate and the other in the House of Representatives (or just House). Before they are voted on (also called bringing to the floor), amendments are made to it and some go through and some are voted out. After each bill with all approved amendments is passed by a simple majority, the two different versions originating from the house and senate are then looked at by the Conference Committee to resolve the differences. Once they are resolved, the modified version is then sent to the President. Once he signs it (and doesn't veto it) it becomes the law (generally within 10 days).

Senator Byrd made an amendment to the bill which proposed taking out a section favorable to us in terms of retrogression. His amendment was voted out (85 said Nay to the amendment). The bill as a whole was passed.

Now the only wait is for the Conference Committee to resolve the differences and as I said earlier, I don't know how long that takes. After that, its only a matter of days before the President signs it into law.

To understand in detail how this works, read this: