How TSC works


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I don't know if there is any use of this data collection process.Actually my attorney has visited INS ( BCIS) Texas Facility.
And he told me this:

There are two part of TSC, One is mail facility and another one is processing facility ( where actually INS officers sits).

When you file your case through mail, the guys at first facility( usually bunch of contractors, last year TSC has changed his contractor for some good valid reason) will sort the mail according to its type and put it in different box according to the case type. When that box is filled up then these guys will send it to different dept. in TSC second facility. Here at the second facility a officer will check the files and CHQ/MO and if there is any problem he will issue a RFE or something like that and if there is no problem then he will issue a receipt. Now he will put your file on a stack. For 485 cases there are different stacks. Like received cases with no FP notice, cases with RFE , cases with RFE received, cases with FP issued, cases with FP received, cases with approval notice, high profile cases like wise. Now your case will be on stack with received status. Now on some fine morning a sub section of stack will a assigned to a officer to upgrade its status. Like from received status to FP notice issued. Now when he issue FP notice he send your entire file to first facility. Now at first facility ( mail room facility) your case is waiting for FP card when they receive the card they attach it to your file and put it in a some kind of box and when it is filled with those type of cases they send it to the second facility. Now over here a officer checks it and update the info. and put it on the stack "FP received". On a fine morning a officer will look at your case in FP received stack and approve it or .....But before denial case must be looked by a supervisor of the officer who denied the case.

There are some space constraint at second facilty.So when one type of case stack is filled up they have to start a drive to clear those cases.So in our case if stack with received status was over filled , they started working on it to reduce it to a safe level.When they reach the safe level they forget about that stack till next drive.Now in 2003 we have a drive for FP in Apr. and May so by now the "FP received stack " will cross the safe mark and we will have a drive of approval.

Some time back I have seen guys complaining that their status is not changing even after two month of actual FP.Its look like to me they are running out of space on FP received stack and they have to start approval drive very soon.

So wait and watch....

Good infomation. Now we know the data, the work flow etc., I for one become more frustrated. I am a little worried about the word "stack", do you mean queue? Secondly, how many stacks are there for one category such as "485 received"?
They must have very big room for the 485 queue. :<

Anyway, that's pretty dump to invest human resource to sort applications. Our company's service department here use different p.o.boxs to sort mails with the courtsey of USPS.

Maybe I should forward this suggestion to TSC, with all the money saved by not hiring contractors, they can get more officials to approve 485 cases, like mine.
So the person who remove cases from the stack will determine which cases get processed and if a case is at the bottom of the stack it will never been touched. :eek:
p252's opinion

I know p252 personally. He is a very cute and funny guy. Whatever explanation he could come up with to rationalize the delay at TSC he has hypothetized it and to add more credibility claims that his Attorney had said so. When did TSC start giving work-flow tours to Attorneys? Even then this claim is not attested by other attorneys who have considerable clout with DoJ and BCIS. So, p252, you are not joking right?
the thought process looks great!

Even if this 485 stack story is true or false; no one can dispute it. It is well written and well explained. Hope it is true and 485 approvals will start coming soon.
why not?

If stack story is true how can one explain regarding the cracks and gaps in approvals/adjudication? In a single day, out of say 50 applications, how come 36th application alone is adjudicated and say 23rd alone is issued FP notice and all the rest are never touched? Not even a 'sub-section' as p252 has mentioned is seen in real-life processing of TSC. If single application can be considered to be 'sub-section' then he may be right. May be attorneys who are taken on a field-trip tour would be given the opportunity to select an application at random -- sort of a goodie you throw at a kid by asking him to pick up a raffle!
Jaysee also posted same kind of logic in data consolidation thread.

Just thought I'd share something I had read quite sometime ago.

Definitely makes an interesting reading.

Hopefully, the series of articles should help you 'analyze' and sort things out w.r.t. p252 remarks.

Its a four part series.

Have fun reading !

Keep up the spirits folks. Don't despair.
Jaysee thanks man now I am very much sure this thing is true and verified by some other atorney too.


Independently with p252, by analyzing the data I also came to a similar conclusion. In August-September, there will be a wave of approvals, if the pattern repeats itself.
Good Logic !


Good writing and logically it makes sence. Thanks for waking this forum up with your posting.

By the way, where is famous SHREDDER placed, I mean next to which stack. I am just being funny.

Have fun from August.
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I still have problems with p252's picture of TSC ( actually problem with my understanding of it).

One issue is how they appvove the EAD, AP when these applications arrive to the mail room. If the files also pass the same process, how do they make sure that EAD, AP will be processed in shorter time. Secondly, when EAD and AP come to the hand of adjustee, do they have to refer to I-485 to approve it.

Another issue is how they match the FP with the files? Actually,
how do they keep the dependent files together? My son does not need FP, so his file is also shipped back to the mail room with our files ? If they always come together how come that their SRC numbers are not close to each other, and also in some cases the spouse's cases are approved at different dates.

If they want to allocate a file? How can they do that. I think there must be in order to keep track on the current location of a file.
Simply impressive and Thank you,

P252, thank you for your articles on TSC. It made for some good reading. The two points about pay being incentive based on the volume of cases done and about staff working from 6 AM to 11 PM sounds encouraging.
tombaan, message received.

Hi. I will definitely pitch in when things settle down for me. Having a wife in school full time, handling 2 boys 6 and 7 years old and seeing 50 patients a day and taking call all night does not make it really easy to run the macro, especially when my wife is doing her I.T homework online. I've been in this country 9 years and realise the value of this forum and the work vili and the rest are doing. I'll jump in VOLUNTARILY when I'm ready AND NOT BEFORE :D :D :D