How does INS know when you are leaving USA?


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If you have a GC, then there is no INS document submited at the point of departure. The only contact with INS is
at the point of entry. At that time, you can claim that you left 10 days ago, while you might have left 3 years back.
Just wondering!!
They swipe the card

I have just returned after my second travel abroad with my green card. In both cases
I noticed that the card was swiped by the airline when I left and by the Immigration officer when
I returned. I wonder if that process records the date on the card.
They don\'t know

You can try to lie but I wouldn\'t recommend it. There\'s always a way to check. The easiest way is to check the stamp another country put in your passport after you last left the US.
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 i don\'t think swiping the card on exit does anything.
even if it records the departure date, i don\'t think that
info goes to INS. i\'m not sure if airlines duly report
that to ins.
because, when i travelled on h1 in the past, once the airline
forgot to take my i-94. i had it with me for long time even
after i came back to us.
another time, i didn\'t have my original i-94(lost it).
 i kept a copy of it, but i couldn\'t find it when airlines
asked for it. and, they let me go.
but, things may have changed after 9/11
but remember it

was approved when they were alive . If you travel to India , entry and exit is stamped on the passport . So better not lie if you travelled to India .