Help! First FP rejected...


Registered Users (C)
... can I go for my second FP earlier than the date mentioned on the appointment letter?

What happens if the 2nd FP is also rejected?
What are your details , such as RD , ND , FD ?

What are your details , such as RD , ND , FD ?
Dont Worry

Dont worry about it. I got FP twice too and since they were not processing cases with my Notice Date at that time it did not affect the processing. The Second FP was ok and my case processing was resumed.
What does ur AVM say

How did you come to know that u need to take FP again . Did u check ur AVM?.

After I saw ur posting , I checked my AVM and it said that the FP processing has been resumed.

Is this the Norm message
Thanks khuljasimsim

I have an allergy on my skin due to which my skin peels on my right thumb and index finger. It\'s much better than what is was in Nov. when I went for my first finger print. Hopefully, they will be able to get a clear print this time.

If not, what\'s the deal?
No Title

If you received your notice already, just walkin to the INS office and try getting it done earlier. INS offices do FP on certain days only. Worst case, you\'ll find out what those days are and may have to go back on one of those days. I know Newark, NJ offices don\'t accept walkins due to high volume of FP being done there. But most other offices, including the one I went to in Bronx, NY accpeted walkins. I got mine done on a Saturday although I was scheduled for Thursday, two weeks away from when I got mine done. Best of luck.