H4 to F1 to H4 - TVU. Can I change back to H4?


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This is a question from my Wife

Hi Rajiv,

I am currently in USA. I came to USA on H4 visa but changed to F1 visa when I joined TriValley University. As you are aware of TVU issue, I want to convert back to my previous visa status, H4.

SEVIS people gave me two options
1) Go to India and get back on different visa
2) Reinstate my F1 visa.

I opt for first one. If I go back to India and apply for H4 visa will be granted considering all other criteria are met, like My Husbands H1 is valid and others? I don’t have any NTA given to me. Will it help me?

I took only one semister in TVU. Took CPT after 2 months of my classes and worked in my core area, IT. And resigned from Job on the day i came to know about TVU.

It would be a great help if you can respond to this.
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