H1 B marrying a US citizen


New Member
Hi All !

I am currently on a H1-b and met a US citizen (Naturalized from India as a child) and we r getting married in November in India. Under these conditions I have a few questions..

1. what will be the shortest albeit safest route to adjust to greencard status?

2. If the wedding is going to be India, should the greencard process be kicked off be4 or after the trip to India?

3. If we get a court wedding in the US say in the next month or so, how long would it be before we both could "safely" goto India for our ceremonial wedding?

4. Or should be just get married in India and return with our individual statuses(me as a H1b visa and she as a citizen) and then get a court wedding here after November?

I would appreciate any kinda inputs from y'all, I am hoping to find a lot y'all who have been thru the same process ...

awaiting ur replies !!
