GUYS !!! Expect Unexpected from Monday Onwards

Last week, VSC touched about 800 cases based on sbctsublc VSC case status report (same number of cases weretouched each week before October 1, 2003). To avoid increase in backlogs VSC has to touch about 400 cases per day about 2000 cases per week or about 8000 cases per month. So adjudication rate has to triple.
To see the flood USCIS officials has to triple the productivity or their budget has to triple. So no day dreaming anymore.
October------> Audit,
January------>New year celebrations.
February----->Something might popup.
Next year----> President elections.

Finally looks like there is no end to this sagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Does BCIS read all these threads / postings ? if yes, it shows them how desperate are we for GC ! Guys, just apply and forget it.

RD : Jul 2002.
FP1: Sep 2002.

Foolish people

You'll guys are so foolish. Read the subject of the thread before posting. It says Expect the unexpected . We expected a lot of approvals. The unexpected is no approvals. So that is what we have. No need to be frustrated.
Yeah ... right

This is the same thing that I have been hearing for more than a year now. This is usually the case (Suddenly... we are going to see approvals.... since something is getting over but as usual something else starts). There has been atleast 15-20 of them since the last one year. Other than getting frustrated nothing happens. So forget about this and move on with your life. That is more important than GC.