
Registered Users (C)
The AVM was updated on 10/17/2001 saying that a RFE was sent on 10/16/2001. My lawyer said that he received it last Friday and is sending it to me today. It has something to do with the year that I was in practical training. We\'ll see when we get the letter. In the meanwhile, my wife\'s AVM has not changed at all.
I will post any further information.

RD 09/05/00
ND 09/21/00
FP 03/01/01
LIN 00-264-xxxx
No Title

my understanding is:

once a case is assigned, it gets decided (approval or RFE) in 1-2 weeks

if a REF is issued, your case has been processed in 330-390 time
frame. It is very hard to predict how long it will take to generate and send out the REF, but 4-6 weeks should be reasonable.
hi almostthere

hi almostthere:

     I wonder if you had called IIO before your AVM updated.
if yes, what did IIO tell you?

     My RD sep05 ND sep253
Got REF too

Hi all,

The AVM was updated on 10/23/2001 saying that a RFE was sent on 10/22/2001 for both my wife and me.
Please, let me know how long does it take from REF to approved?Thanks.

RD 09/08/00
ND 09/25/00 (09/26/00 AVM ???)
FP 03/15/01
LIN 00-268xxxx
Country other
nsc00: do you know when your case was assigned?

usually, one week after AVM is updated for REF, your attorney will receive the REF
No, have not call INS at all

According to my lawyer, it is something about validity of status during 1995 when I was in practical training. I wonder what kind of evidence they are asking for, because I sent the EAD for practical training with my application. Anybody know??
The AVM saying that a RFE was sent on 10/26/2001.
PD 6/98
RD 9/29/00
ND 10/30/00
FP 3/13/01
RFE rcvd

Finally Rcvd RFE, my lawyer rcvd it, however avm has not been updated, it is request for licensing information which has been provided before however it has been resubmitted.
RD 9/00
ND 10/00
RFE 10/23/01
RFE time frame for peeche

I was told case assigned to officer sept 21, RFE requested sept 25th no change at any point in avm, RFE rcvd by lawyer last week dated Oct 23rd. Licencing info aasked for pertains to medical licensure etc. Hope this helps roughly time from request of RFE to generation of the letter is anywhere from 4-6 weeks, plus u may hav eto factor in the delay with your lawyer not notifying you promptly.
Receive my RFE

My lawyer received the RFE and it is about validity of status for 1995. Funny thing is that I submitted that information with my I485 application. Called NSC and the IIO was friendly but said that she didn\'t know why the RFE was issued if I had sent a copy of EAD for that year, and recommended that I send it in again. So what I did this time was to make a color copy of the EAD and enlarged it, to make sure thay can see the dates clearly.
I hope this will be thw end of it, it does sound that they are issueing RFEs everywhere, who knows what their strategy is...
Worst thing is that my lawyer says not to worry about sending it in soon because tha letter says that we have until Jan 2002 to do it!!!! I wonder in what world he lives!!!!
I will keep you updated and good luck to everyone!
When I talked to the IIO

She said that the best form of evidence would be the EAD, other than that, she suggested the I-94, but she said that really the I-94 didn\'t not prove that I was in status during that time. So I really think that I got the RFE because of the queality of the first copy I sent in, where the 95 looks like 96.