Got reinterview date on 221g...please help


New Member

In my H1b application form I lied about my previous interview (on which I was refused on B1. Everything else in my application form is real) that occurred couple years ago. Since it was couple years back I though that the VO won't be able to trace my previous info (i was wrong). During my interview (at Chennai consulate) VO asked my about my previous interview I told VO that it wasn't me. Anyway, my technical interview was great but the VO gave me 221g (didn't ask for any papers but kept my petition form). Now VO called me again for a second interview.

My question is, during my reinterview should I admit about my previous interview or should I stick to my original plan (since I applied 4/5 years back and that time they did not required fingerprint)? I am not sure which way to go now. Please help!!

(I honestly didn’t pay attention to the consequences about this. But I learned a lot about this after I got the 221g. I regret about my prior decision but I can’t go back and fix it now. I have no criminal records.)

Thank you in advance for your kind help!!