Girlfriend entering on 10yr. B2


New Member
My Girlfriend will be visiting me for the thrid time this year.

The previous two times she stated to the POE that she was here on vacation, to visit me, her "friend", and to travel. Her total stay in the US this year has been less than 4 weeks.

She has a 10 year B-2, and a job and residency in the Netherlands (where the B-2 was issued).

Are difficulties likely if she states this time to the POE that she is here on vacation to visit here "boyfriend"?
She will be here for 10 days.

Any advice would be most appreciated.
That really depends on the POE. She can say that and has no problem at all. When I was visiting my boyfriend here I always stated so even when we where already engaged. But other people have encounter difficulties, it is suppose that she says the truth, that she is visiting his boyfriend as long as she can demostrate that she is coming back to the Netherlands in the case they ask for e.g. return ticket-reservation, etc.

Good luck,
Thanks for the info. It's very helpful.

My girlfriend has documention (return ticket, letter from work, etc.), so I'm hoping it won't be an issue.

If you don't mind me asking, did POE ever ask you for documentation, or whether you had any intention of becoming an immigrant, or getting married in the US?
The first time I was like "uppsss....this will be a problem". But never happened, I just everytime give the story straight. Even after we were engaged I just was keeping saying my bf and then one POE noticed my ring and then she asked "is that your engagement ring?" and I said "yes" but like nothing happened and then she said is better if you said " I am visiting my fiance" so anybody think that you are trying to hide it. So I said okay no after that I enter like 3-4 more times without problem except the last time but it was a different POE in IAH (Houston). I always entered through MIA or ATL no problem at all.
Similiar situation, would like some feedback


I have a similiar situation, my gf wants to visit me in cali from dubai on a 10yr b1/b2 visa she had stamped from a former employer in india which was obviously work related..considering its both b1 and b2 I wud think it should be fine for visiting unless somebody thinks otherwise..?..Am just curious what are good reasons to give the immi officer why you would be visiting the US and some basic docs or papers that you would show them to substantiate your stay and that you would return after this short stay in the US. Would appreciate any feedback from ppl been in this similiar situation..Have a great weekend.

Good reasons to give to the immi officer = absolute truth

"Visiting my boyfriend" is a valid reason for requesting entry into the US. It will never guarantee admission, but then no one is guaranteed admission on non-immigrant visas.
help pls

I am in a very similar and stressful situation and would appreciate any input and advice....
I hold b2 visa, and I have been in the Us many times,Last time 5 months and now I have been in my home country for 5 weeks...
I wanna go back very soon but I am very afraid to get denied at the POE....
Would one more month stayin in my country help???

I will have the inter.student card,and will have work confirmation paper from my boyfriend so I can say he will support me...anything else so I can prove ties to my home country??(I am unemployed)
All i want is to be with my bf, for as long as possible...
Thank u in advance...