
No, not true at all

I saw on the main 485 issues chat a guy with July RD getting approved. Well he put LIN-219, so I hope he had the letters right.

Also on Immitracker another guy also got approved but his is like Jan 00, RD I think.

Anyway, it is just many of the old RDs people probably are not much of frequent visitors to these boards or post their info. From all indications, the entire month of July seem to be have been dedicated to backlogged cases for NSC. And that is good thing as long as they start also moving forward at some point in August.
Thank You. Momentum lost?!

When I said \'Freeze\', I meant the loss of momentum.
Good to see that one approval, which comes as positive news.
We used to as many as 11 approvals a day last month.
I have also realized that during the July period they
seem to have taken priority to complete the pending cases.
that\'s good.
Let\'s wait and see. MY RD 12/18/00, ND 01/02/01, FP 04/01
Do I have to wait 5 months or less.
During June, I thought my approval should be only 4 months
away given June\'s speed. But, now back to normal speed.
My company Hqrs is in Detroit! They are now recruiting when
every other US companies are firing!
Well I guess you have some time to go

Mine is RD Sept 5th. Don\'t tell me you work for Compuware? Especially not at ford?

Because that is the only company that I know is hiring people , sepefically because their Oracle talent is not good. Well I used to work for them till few months ago anyway.
INS busy with sept 01 US-Mexico summit????

Looks like the INS is gearing itself for the summit in sept 2001 between President Bush and President Fox of Mexico. I watched on the sunday news in a discussion with a senator from TX of hispanic origin that Bush is going to most likely announce amnesty for all illegal Mexicans in US.

This will certainly be a big task for INS to implement, but always the legal folks like us have to bear the brunt of all this by waiting even longer.


PS: Above are puely my thoughts, so please spread no rumours.
I didn\'t use 180 rule and I dont think Mexican Amnesty is going to come soon

First on 180 rule, its my wife\'s application, so I dont have the problem. Plus I had a job offer for almost a year and with H1 in hand, although had EAD, I used the H1 just to be on safe side.

Second Bush\'s idea is generating lot of talk about giving amnesty to all illegal immigrants also the legal ones that here waiting in the line. So while Bush is trying buy the votes for future, other senators etc. will also push for others to be included.

So I dont think it is going to such a quick deal. But when it happens, man it is going to be stinker most likely. With already 245i kind of might slow things down.
Do you think they might use PD for approvals from now on, since PDs are current for all countries?

I have a feeling that NSC seems to be working to get all pending cases
done and give new start for aggressive approvals using a new
strategy. I hope that strategy includes PDs to prioritize the
My ID: 2/97
Man, I am becoming restless these days. My wife doesn\'t have
a job now and it puts pressure if I thing something going wrong in my company.