FP done on 11/29/01 AVM still says "pending review"

Same here

Spoke to an IIO some time on Friday. She said that the prints were OK, but the message still says "fingerprints collected,
pending review". Hope everything is fine. I think nkk01 and nov26 are also in the same boat.
Although my wife\'s FP was done on the same day

... and her AVM says "Processing resumed".

I think we should not worry about this. Probably just an AVM update issue.
My FP concern is same as yours Palluji

I have posted a message few days ago, replying to your earlier message. My FP history/experience is "ditto" as yours. I talked to 2 IIOs, both said my FP is perfectly fine. One IIO told me, it is not in one system, but it is in another system. But I haven\'t heard from INS anything about FP re-take or first FP taken on 11/29. So, I believe no news is good news!