Flying out from Toronto for Special Registration


Registered Users (C)

If you are from Special registration country then you must report for check in atleast 3 hrs prior to flight departure time & also get ready to have your luggage checked by Customs.

If flying out from Toronto you need to get yourself registered before boarding the plan even you can not check in your luggage. Also have all related docs with you.

I advise every one from special registration country to fly in/out from Detroit & cross the border via Windsor/Detroit tunnel & take Grey hound for onward travel to Toronto.
How about driving a rental car? If you are a canadian resindent and working in USA, will there be a complicacy at the border if I rent a car from USA, drive to Canada and drive back to USA again. Please advise. Thanks a lot.
I advise to take a rental car from Canada border city like from Windsor & return it there on your way back. Take the bus to cross the border.

Thanks a lot for such a quick reply. Why you are advising so? Do you know any case where people faced tough time crossing the border with a rental car? Thanks again.
Originally posted by safdarali
I advise to take a rental car from Canada border city like from Windsor & return it there on your way back. Take the bus to cross the border.


Thanks a lot for such a quick reply. Why you are advising so? Do you know any case where people faced tough time crossing the border with a rental car? Thanks again.

hi sali
Like muntisar said please tell us what is the basis of your advice it would certainly help others, I am also planning a trip to Canada with a rental car. Did you see anyone had hard time with a US plated rental car or with spl reg at POE ?
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If you are able to get rental car with Canadian plate it is fine & you can tell them that you will return it in Canada. But rental car with US plate is not advisable as Canadian immigration wants you to be in Canada & dont want you to get back in USA.
It also depends upon the immigration officer. I took my USA car on my previous visit & told immigration officer that it is my brothers car & I work in USA & just came to visit my family & will go back in next few days but that was the case when you are already landed. Landing first time they may give you the hard time.
Hi Safdarali,

That is a very good explanation. I will be going to pick my PR card. I guess I can tell them that I am going visit my family (I do have some) and get my PR card--and it should not be any problem. Thanks a lot.
Hi Safdarali,
I believe you are talking about only for guys from Spl reg country
Last month to apply for PR card I rented a car from USA crossed the border(via Buffello) and at POE when I told I rented the car from Hertz the officer only asked how long I'll be in Canada and purpose of the visit and I finished everything within a minute
Next month I am planning to visit Toronto again to collect my PR card but this time will be entering via Detroit/Windsor.Are POE officers in Detroit/Windsor area more strict than Buffello?
Also I heard from one of my friend that crossing the border in a rented car with USA plate is better than driving own car with USA plate.In that case POE may suspect that you might want to import the car to Canada as car price is little bit high in Canada
Will appreciate your advice

The car imporet issue is only in case of landing first time. They may give you a hard time as some one had that bad expereince..& he/she poted her expereince on forum as if you are not landing first time then act smartly & you will be ok.