Finay Got approved

I'm curious, trinigirl, why did you wait for two and a half years to file if you want your employment so badly?
I'm curious, trinigirl, why did you wait for two and a half years to file if you want your employment so badly?

number of reasons, 1st, fear, every time I called USCIS they told me I had to leave the county and would not allowed back in for ten years even though I was married, so I hesitated to file, plus I did not want to leaving my kids here but knew I could not take them with me, it would not be fair, but I knew I had leave them here for my kids sake, the older they got the more they new about what was going on with immigration and could not hide it anymore, so they encourged me to do it. Plus I got tired of every time I wanted to file for child support I got threatened about calling ICE. I pretty much wear the pants in the family when it come to making the decision so my husband did not push it, especially since we did not get married for a GC. So their is my story.
BTW I did put the son of a gun on child support and 5 months later we got a lawyer and filed. Just started not to live in fear anymore. Now do you see why get mad some of these members on this forum about throwing stones.

The employment thing, my husband gets paid well. But my dream is to own my own business not so much having a job working for someone else.
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Since you brought up the subject, what continent's citizen are you? I'm just curious.

I hold dual citizenship.Born and raised in South Africa and also have British Citizenship "my folks are British", even though i have never lived in the UK i hold both passports
I'm sorry to hear about what you went through but am glad that everything worked out. Congrats on your GC!!

I see from your timeline that the time between your RFE (onlie or actual receipt of letter) is more than a month.

Did they screw up and you got the mail late, or is that the date you received the actual paper and you just took your time gathering the info?

I read somewhere that some people could see that an RFE was sent to them but sometimes it took a month for them to actually get it in the mail.
I see from your timeline that the time between your RFE (onlie or actual receipt of letter) is more than a month.

Did they screw up and you got the mail late, or is that the date you received the actual paper and you just took your time gathering the info?

I read somewhere that some people could see that an RFE was sent to them but sometimes it took a month for them to actually get it in the mail.

I never saw anything online to indicate that they were sending us an RFE. It was dated 8/10 and we rec'd it on 8/17. Then we had to wait for the IRS to send us tax return transcripts for ourselves and our co-sponsor (that took 3 weeks!!). We mailed everything back on 9/19 and the LUD showed up online on 9/27 saying that response was rec'd and case resumed.
Wife in Similar situation


firstly congratulations on getting through the process while enduring so much. I had one question for you --- how did ICE find out about your status violation. My wife is registered for masters and has 6 credits instead of 9 and I have filed for her I-485 (130 was approved while ago, but I am GC holder from India and PD got current just this month). Her school hasn't told her anything about not being registered full time and none of the documents asked for in the AOS process require proof of full time enrollment --- so I am curious as to whether your violation was discovered during the immigration process or due to some unrelated incident.

Thanks in advance for your reply
Stop violating immigration laws...


firstly congratulations on getting through the process while enduring so much. I had one question for you --- how did ICE find out about your status violation. My wife is registered for masters and has 6 credits instead of 9 and I have filed for her I-485 (130 was approved while ago, but I am GC holder from India and PD got current just this month). Her school hasn't told her anything about not being registered full time and none of the documents asked for in the AOS process require proof of full time enrollment --- so I am curious as to whether your violation was discovered during the immigration process or due to some unrelated incident.

Thanks in advance for your reply


Instead of being concerned about when his violation was discovered, you should be telling your wife to register for all the 9 required credits. The issuance condition of her student visa is contigent on her registering for 9 credit per semester with the exception of the summer months.:mad:

Why the hell it is that people have a need to break and violate laws, and cry foul that a big bad wolf is eating their balls while asleep?:confused: Since you are a greencard holder, she is threading dangerous waters with ICE cracking down on people....:p

All schools have to report to USCIS about their student population, including their student records....which here is comes: include the course load per per international student, per semester. So, you wife is going to be discovered soon and it is going to be an ugly seen...:cool:... Someone was in the exact same situation as your wife in Minnesota, and guess what happened...???

firstly congratulations on getting through the process while enduring so much. I had one question for you --- how did ICE find out about your status violation. My wife is registered for masters and has 6 credits instead of 9 and I have filed for her I-485 (130 was approved while ago, but I am GC holder from India and PD got current just this month). Her school hasn't told her anything about not being registered full time and none of the documents asked for in the AOS process require proof of full time enrollment --- so I am curious as to whether your violation was discovered during the immigration process or due to some unrelated incident.

Thanks in advance for your reply

Well my understanding is that F1 visa students are monitored by ICE thru the SEVIS system. Between mid to the end of each semester the school reports its F1 students to ICE thru the SEVIS system how many classes, credits each student is taking + their GPA and any academic probations ect. This is required from schools by Federal law. ICE then flags any violators then its up to its agents to follow up or not. In my case the ICE agent did follow up that is how i was placed in removal proceedings. I have a great GPA and have never had been placed on any academic probation, like i said my infraction was registering 9 instead of 12 credits. So i broke the law by failing to maintain my F1 visa requirements. In most cases ICE lacks man power and resources so they never follow up but to due to recent national security threat ICE is actually doing their work and enforcing immigration laws (it does not matter how minor the infraction is).
Well my understanding is that F1 visa students are monitored by ICE thru the SEVIS system. Between mid to the end of each semester the school reports its F1 students to ICE thru the SEVIS system how many classes, credits each student is taking + their GPA and any academic probations ect. This is required from schools by Federal law. ICE then flags any violators then its up to its agents to follow up or not. In my case the ICE agent did follow up that is how i was placed in removal proceedings. I have a great GPA and have never had been placed on any academic probation, like i said my infraction was registering 9 instead of 12 credits. So i broke the law by failing to maintain my F1 visa requirements. In most cases ICE lacks man power and resources so they never follow up but to due to recent national security threat ICE is actually doing their work and enforcing immigration laws (it does not matter how minor the infraction is).


I do all the follow-up on their behalf of ICE..... :rolleyes: So, Mr.B should start to quiver in his boots...:(

Instead of being concerned about when his violation was discovered, you should be telling your wife to register for all the 9 required credits. The issuance condition of her student visa is contigent on her registering for 9 credit per semester with the exception of the summer months.:mad:

Why the hell it is that people have a need to break and violate laws, and cry foul that a big bad wolf is eating their balls while asleep?:confused: Since you are a greencard holder, she is threading dangerous waters with ICE cracking down on people....:p

All schools have to report to USCIS about their student population, including their student records....which here is comes: include the course load per per international student, per semester. So, you wife is going to be discovered soon and it is going to be an ugly seen...:cool:... Someone was in the exact same situation as your wife in Minnesota, and guess what happened...???

Here are the kind of smart comments that many here are starting to find condescending.

I am quoting you: "Why the hell it is that people have a need to break and violate laws, and cry foul..."

Is that necessary? Are you ICE or a SUPER AMERICAN already? I thought you were seeking benefits too, and now you already play the role of the police in this country. You play the role of a Lou Dobbs already?

Just tell him that it would be in their best interest to sign up for more credits would be enough, but you just couldn't help making that smart comment.

You do not know people here, maybe there was a reason (family reason) that made her sign up for less classes: it may even be financial reasons. Give the advice to sign up for more classes which I am also giving them, and keep your smart comments to yourself.

BTW when I was getting my MBA, the minimum credit requirement was 12, so (whoever was in this situation) you might want to check and see what the minimum is to you guys, and do your best to sign up as soon as possible.

This forum has really shown me that if the US wants to fight it's immigration problems, USCIS and ICE should hire probably 50% of newly naturalized Americans or new GC holders. They seem to be the more sarcastic, and downright meanest in the country. And funny enough they are most SHOCKED about people who broke the law.

I do not encourage breaking the law, but who am I in a country that has been kind to "adopt" me to open my big mouth now and make STUPID comments about others who broke the law? Let the AMERICANS BY BIRTH make that call and you just enjoy your benefits.
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I do all the follow-up on their behalf of ICE..... :rolleyes: So, Mr.B should start to quiver in his boots...:(

Quote: "I do all the follow-up on their behalf of ICE..... :rolleyes: So, Mr.B should start to quiver in his boots..."

Not funny. I know you think you are a comedian, but if I were you I really wouldn't quit my real day job, because FUNNY MAN is really not shaping up to be your vocation.

Instead of being concerned about when his violation was discovered, you should be telling your wife to register for all the 9 required credits. The issuance condition of her student visa is contigent on her registering for 9 credit per semester with the exception of the summer months.:mad:

Why the hell it is that people have a need to break and violate laws, and cry foul that a big bad wolf is eating their balls while asleep?:confused: Since you are a greencard holder, she is threading dangerous waters with ICE cracking down on people....:p

All schools have to report to USCIS about their student population, including their student records....which here is comes: include the course load per per international student, per semester. So, you wife is going to be discovered soon and it is going to be an ugly seen...:cool:... Someone was in the exact same situation as your wife in Minnesota, and guess what happened...???

Here are the kind of smart comments that many here are starting to find condescending.

I am quoting you: "Why the hell it is that people have a need to break and violate laws, and cry foul..."

Is that necessary? Are you ICE or a SUPER AMERICAN already? I thought you were seeking benefits too, and now you already play the role of the police in this country. You play the role of a Lou Dobbs already?

Just tell him that it would be in their best interest to sign up for more credits would be enough, but you just couldn't help making that smart comment.

You do not know people here, maybe there was a reason (family reason) that made her sign up for less classes: it may even be financial reasons. Give the advice to sign up for more classes which I am also giving them, and keep your smart comments to yourself.

BTW when I was getting my MBA, the minimum credit requirement was 12, so you might want to check and see what the minimum is to you guys, and do your best to sign up as soon as possible.

This forum has really shown me that if the US wants to fight it's immigration problems, USCIS and ICE should hire probably 50% of newly naturalized Americans or new GC holders. They seem to be the more sarcastic, and downright meanest in the country. And funny enough they are most SHOCKED about people who broke the law.

I do not encourage breaking the law, but who am I in a country that has been kind to "adopt" me to open my big mouth now and make STUPID comments about others who broke the law? Let the AMERICANS BY BIRTH make that call and you just enjoy your benefits.
You are an ass...

Here are the kind of smart comments that many here are starting to find condescending.

I am quoting you: "Why the hell it is that people have a need to break and violate laws, and cry foul..."

Is that necessary? Are you ICE or a SUPER AMERICAN already? I thought you were seeking benefits too, and now you already play the role of the police in this country. You play the role of a Lou Dobbs already?

Just tell him that it would be in their best interest to sign up for more credits would be enough, but you just couldn't help making that smart comment.

You do not know people here, maybe there was a reason (family reason) that made her sign up for less classes: it may even be financial reasons. Give the advice to sign up for more classes which I am also giving them, and keep your smart comments to yourself.

BTW when I was getting my MBA, the minimum credit requirement was 12, so you might want to check and see what the minimum is to you guys, and do your best to sign up as soon as possible.

This forum has really shown me that if the US wants to fight it's immigration problems, USCIS and ICE should hire probably 50% of newly naturalized Americans or new GC holders. They seem to be the more sarcastic, and downright meanest in the country. And funny enough they are most SHOCKED about people who broke the law.

I do not encourage breaking the law, but who am I in a country that has been kind to "adopt" me to open my big mouth now and make STUPID comments about others who broke the law? Let the AMERICANS BY BIRTH make that call and you just enjoy your benefits.

I have a simple advise for you: stop being an ass. Is it your contention that if someone breaks the law...then you are going to call your so-called "americans by birth" to make a judgment on the legality of that particular action?:mad: What a doosh...

People who are issued a student visa are told by the consular officer and the international student adviser in each school about the need to maintain their status as it relates to courseload. I had a full scholarship on a J1 visa, so I know the requirements as far as what my responsibilities where... I carried all my 9 credits to obey the law of the US...:rolleyes:

You want anarchy... being eligible for a greencard doesn't mean that you allow each and everything to be acceptable... :cool: I am willing to let you bet your grandma on the fact that Mr. B's wife was clearly explained to her about the requirements for her F1 visa, but she choose to otherwise for reasons which are valid or not....:confused:

Can you please explain to me about the benefits which you want me to enjoy? I am clueless about these benefits....:(
I have a simple advise for you: stop being an ass. Is it your contention that if someone breaks the law...then you are going to call your so-called "americans by birth" to make a judgment on the legality of that particular action?:mad: What a doosh...

People who are issued a student visa are told by the consular officer and the international student adviser in each school about the need to maintain their status as it relates to courseload. I had a full scholarship on a J1 visa, so I know the requirements as far as what my responsibilities where... I carried all my 9 credits to obey the law of the US...:rolleyes:

You want anarchy... being eligible for a greencard doesn't mean that you allow each and everything to be acceptable... :cool: I am willing to let you bet your grandma on the fact that Mr. B's wife was clearly explained to her about the requirements for her F1 visa, but she choose to otherwise for reasons which are valid or not....:confused:

Can you please explain to me about the benefits which you want me to enjoy? I am clueless about these benefits....:(

I am sorry AL, I thought I was talking to a responsible adult. Your speech depicts a younger immature, limit illiterate individual.

Waist of my time.

If you read (or get an interpretor to read it for you) what I said, I do not encourage lies to USCIS and the government or not playing by the rules. So I will always advise people to follow the law. Unfortunately some people do break the law, and I think that people like you (and even me), should not judge those who did break the law but rather go around our own business and make sure we ourselves do not break the law.

Who talked about praising anarchy here? My advice to you is to give free good advice to people if you want, but leave your smart immature, childish and foolish comments to yourself.

For your info I am 30 years old so you may even be older than me, but you sure do not act like it.


Not even do teenagers find that expression "cool", "hip", "fly", "awesome"... anymore. Get your insults up to date.

And BTW if you want to use words know how to spell them: Its DOUCHE BAG.

From the French, which means "BATH BAG".


What?! you forgot about all of your fun day trips to your local DO? sightseeing around Washington?! ;)


I did all those in the first couple of weeks of coming here for my studies... I didn't need a greencard to do all those trips.... The fun trips is going to be Bureau of Engraving.... $$$$

I am at home and prefer the majestic Swiss Alps more than the worn-down museums and lot of obnoxious people....:cool: As for Mr. Constructus...he's going to let someone knock him down and beat the crap out of him...and wait for a "so-called Americans by birth" to make a determination as to whether his flogging is illegal or not....:D I wonder if the "so-called Americans by Birth" find his beating acceptable...what he's going to do....:confused:


I did all those in the first couple of weeks of coming here for my studies... I didn't need a greencard to do all those trips.... The fun trips is going to be Bureau of Engraving.... $$$$

I am at home and prefer the majestic Swiss Alps more than the worn-down museums and lot of obnoxious people....:cool: As for Mr. Constructus...he's going to let someone knock him down and beat the crap out of him...and wait for a "so-called Americans by birth" to make a determination as to whether his flogging is illegal or not....:D I wonder if the "so-called Americans by Birth" find his beating acceptable...what he's going to do....:confused:

HA HA HA, very funny, how people have strength behind a computer. Look I am standing here lets not get computer violent. I doubt it if we were face to face you would be talking to me this way. Yes I could be 4 feet 2 with 150 pounds and talking but believe me I am far from that. No need in being threatening on the web only weak people do that.

And its funny I lived in Switzerland for 5 years, maybe we crossed path. How I would have loved to have come upon you talking to me like that...
Ok...French fries stop here...

I am sorry AL, I thought I was talking to a responsible adult. Your speech depicts a younger immature, limit illiterate individual.

Waist of my time.

If you read (or get an interpretor to read it for you) what I said, I do not encourage lies to USCIS and the government or not playing by the rules. So I will always advise people to follow the law. Unfortunately some people do break the law, and I think that people like you (and even me), should not judge those who did break the law but rather go around our own business and make sure we ourselves do not break the law.

Who talked about praising anarchy here? My advice to you is to give free good advice to people if you want, but leave your smart immature, childish and foolish comments to yourself.

For your info I am 30 years old so you may even be older than me, but you sure do not act like it.


Not even do teenagers find that expression "cool", "hip", "fly", "awesome"... anymore. Get your insults up to date.

And BTW if you want to use words know how to spell them: Its DOUCHE BAG.

From the French, which means "BATH BAG".


Mr. Cons......:cool:

Those french fries....I didn't know u had a monopoly on spelling crap...
DOOSH... Doofus On One Stupid Hole... Who said anything about you being a douche bag....:confused:

For 30 years sound really old... 3 decades... I wonder what you have been learning throughout those years...:confused: Who makes a determination on what is acceptable or not? We make those decision each and everyday, and I wonder if you withhold yourself from passing a comment on something that you find repugnant because of fear of hurting someone's feelings? :eek:

I think you want anarchy...everything goes because it is wrong to judge people's actions, even if they are legal, lest you are so-called American-by Birth":rolleyes:...:( You have already judged me to be immature...but you dare being holier-than-the-Pope when it comes to my observation of Mr. B's wife actions....:rolleyes:

HA HA HA, very funny, how people have strength behind a computer. Look I am standing here lets not get computer violent. I doubt it if we were face to face you would be talking to me this way. Yes I could be 4 feet 2 with 150 pounds and talking but believe me I am far from that. No need in being threatening on the web only weak people do that.

And its funny I lived in Switzerland for 5 years, maybe we crossed path. How I would have loved to have come upon you talking to me like that...

Mr. Construct...

I have no need to threaten you with any violent actions... I will gain nothing from destroying a fly of your stature...:p I was merely making an example that wrong actions should be condoned by people who have a clear moral conscience about the illegality or wrongfulness of the action..:rolleyes: Beating you was to demonstrate the extreme form of a wrong action...obviously, not commited by me but by some homeless person seeking to take your subway sandwich from you...:D

I wonder why you lived in Switzerland...were we that desperate to even allow flys to land in our pure milk meant for our global chocolate empire? :cool: I don't do physical violence because you gain nothing from settling arguments with a poverty stricken mentality..... I still have interest in being a sworn-officer of the court to uphold the laws of the USA.

For you, you have or are in the process of getting an MBA, no need for you to uphold any laws...if ENRON is a measure of the smartness of MBAs...;) Ouch....