Everyone please Read (Re E-Nairobi Tracker) Important !!!


Registered Users (C)
First to those that don\'t know there is a tracker at www.e-nairobi.com/aos. It lets you create your own I-485 tracking record and generates reports based on real-time data. You can do all kinds of sorts, and filtering from the reports page.

This tracker has been around for about 2 months. It was initially created to take over the work Myladoor was doing at www.immitracker.com for VSC, NSC and TSC. However, mainly TSC folks are using it.

Anyway, not everyone was using the tracker to enter their data. GKing, the champion of the I-140 tracker for TSC, was keeping his own tracking information based on what people posted on the boards. What you must understand is that he used the name of the posting as his ID to track records. This board creates its own ID if you are not logged in, so if someone posted without logging in the board may have created a dummy ID which in actuallity could have been yours.

IMPORTANT PART. I recently gave sg94ahpw admin access to the tracker so he could either update peoples information or acutally add records that were not already in the tracker from GKings list. If you post on this board or any other board its imperative you go to the tracker and verify your information.

There are a couple people that have noticed their information is wrong. Reason is the data was taken from what you have posted on the boards which may not always be complete so sg94ahpw may have had to fudge some of the dates. It would have been easier if everyone posted their own data but, the only way the tracker can be useful is if we get as much inforomation in there. Its really not hard to use and if anyone has a problem I usually answer their question (if emailed to aos@e-nairobi.com or posted here) in less than a day.

Ok quick example of how to use the filters and sorting. You can use this then to do your own analysis. Say you want to see all records at TSC that have an approval date of greater than 2002 the recent trend of approvals.

1) goto http://www.e-nairobi.com/aos
2) Click on the TSC Report link
3) When the report comes up change the start date to 01/01/2002 and the End Date to 01/01/2003, choose FP from drop down box and click filter. This gets only records that have a FP date in the system between these dates.
4) Now click on the FP heading (its a link that sorts report based on FP date descending order)

You will get a picture of who is getting approvals and when. You will see approvals are not in order of when FP was done. But you will notice they are processing people who did FP mid-Feb to early march.

You can do this for other dates and also by EB category if you wanted. Anyway, if anyone has questions or concerns email me or post here.