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DV 2013 Australian Entrants Post Here :)


Registered Users (C)

I thought I would make a thread for any Australians who have tossed their hats in the ring for the DV 2013.

I've read through ALL the posts of the past winners, here's hoping for good news come May next year :)

Warm wishes


Been waiting a week now to post on here! Took ages to activate my account :(.

Anyways! Another Aussie here hoping for good results on May 1st! :D This will be my second time, or third if you count July 15th last year..
Hi Aussies,

I've got an entry in for 2013, but I am still hoping that the May 1st selectees will be given a chance. That's me! Afterall - what chance is there of being drawn twice? NIL! right!

I have kept following these DV forums for the past year, but stayed off licking my wounds!

I live in the USA anyway, so hopefully I can answer some questions if you do move.

A sincere Good Luck to you all.
You never know! You could have amazing luck and get selected again! But yeah, I do think the May 1st selectees should be given some kind of chance.. :(

How are you living there at the moment?
Hi Abbie and Jess :)

I will probably bounce between this forum and the other 2013 one (I made this one after I applied last year hoping some Aussies would pop on :) )

I lived in San Jose (CA) for 2 years (back and forth on various types of visa's) and loved it. I came back to Aust. just over 2 years ago, and although I was told it was just reverse culture shock I was experiencing, I never stopped missing CA.

I lived in San Jose (CA) for 2 years (back and forth on various types of visa's) and loved it. I came back to Aust. just over 2 years ago, and although I was told it was just reverse culture shock I was experiencing, I never stopped missing CA.

I know how you feel! I've been going to the US for as long as I can remember over Christmas times to see our family there. Love it more and more every time. I recently just spent 16 months living in Canada and also traveling to the US twice in that time, just love North America so much. I cannot stand the Australian accent. I really don't like Aussie guys either! Everything about America has me hooked. :)
I know how you feel! I've been going to the US for as long as I can remember over Christmas times to see our family there. Love it more and more every time. I recently just spent 16 months living in Canada and also traveling to the US twice in that time, just love North America so much. I cannot stand the Australian accent. I really don't like Aussie guys either! Everything about America has me hooked. :)

I have the luxury of visiting both places; hubby is a Canadian, so we visit family in Vancouver and Victoria, but he lived and worked in California :)

Aussie here...selected in june last year after the may fiasco....but entered for 2013 in case anything goes wrong with my interview.

Which hopefully....it will not!
Another Australian (born in Adelaide, living in Sydney) here.

I hope May 1st brings good news - I desperately want to be back in California.
Another Australian (born in Adelaide, living in Sydney) here.

I hope May 1st brings good news - I desperately want to be back in California.

Hi :)

Where abouts in CA were you? We were in San Jose, hoping to head back to San Mateo, Mountain View or Fremont.

Partner of Aussie hoping for a Win!

Hi. My partner is Australian and is trying for her 3rd time. Qewty, she travels on the Visa Waiver Program, and has NEVER overstayed. She always has a return ticket, has family and real estate in Oz, etc. She ran afoul of a sour DHS agent in Chicago last time who promptly told her she was "abusing" the WVP and that she needed to stay longer in Australia next time. We'd been doing 90 days in the US and about 90 days in Oz.

I'm hoping he didn't "flag" her name - but fear he did.

We really have no other option but the Diversity Lottery, as we are of an age where a working visa does not have good probability. I'm just about to get my Australia Permanent Residency Visa as a de facto, but the US doesn't recognize us as a couple, even though my home state of New York does.

We have gotten so excited every year as May 1st has approached, and felt like you-know-what each time we get the "not-selected-for-further-processing". I'm so hoping that the third time will be the charm.

While we could settle in Australia with no problems, I have elderly parents who need me a little closer - so I'm not ready to move to Oz yet! We'd really just like the opportunity to settle in the US and go back and forth to Oz as we wish, and as the pocketbook allows, eventually both becoming dual citizens.

10 days to go. We're trying not to get too hyped up - so the crash, if there is one, won't be so hard.

Do you know what the hardest part is? Seeing people who get selected who decide they aren't really interested after all! Our being able to be together hinges on this lottery!

Do you know what the hardest part is? Seeing people who get selected who decide they aren't really interested after all! Our being able to be together hinges on this lottery!

I agree. I hear of so many people who enter it for the heck of it, or just to see if they can get it, and then don't bother/pursue it.. Such a waste. It makes me hope they do put a smallish fee on the next applications just to weed out all the false entries, and those who aren't 100% serious.

I wish you and your partner good luck come May 1st! And myself! And Qewty! And everyone else on these forums :)
Hi. My partner is Australian and is trying for her 3rd time. Qewty, she travels on the Visa Waiver Program, and has NEVER overstayed. She always has a return ticket, has family and real estate in Oz, etc. She ran afoul of a sour DHS agent in Chicago last time who promptly told her she was "abusing" the WVP and that she needed to stay longer in Australia next time. We'd been doing 90 days in the US and about 90 days in Oz.

I'm hoping he didn't "flag" her name - but fear he did.

You have nothing to worry about. I've spent years going in and out of the US on the VWP. If they let you in all is good. It is only if you are denied that you will have a problem.
You have nothing to worry about. I've spent years going in and out of the US on the VWP. If they let you in all is good. It is only if you are denied that you will have a problem.

The problems start when they know you are visiting your significant other. On my second VWP I was warned in no uncertain terms not to return on a VWP, and that I had better get another visa (which I did, I got a B2). Unfortunately, if they're really cross they will flag you.\

The lesson here is use the VWP sparingly and with big breaks in-between visits!.

I agree with you Jess about those who join just for the fun of it, when so many have really made the decision to move over in earnest.

Not too long now to wait. I sincerely hope us Aussies all get a number :)

Not too long now to wait. I sincerely hope us Aussies all get a number :)


This wait is a pain! Not too long now, but still not close enough! Getting very anxious and nervous, trying to not think about it but I can't not. :(
This wait is a pain! Not too long now, but still not close enough! Getting very anxious and nervous, trying to not think about it but I can't not. :(

We're on that same page again! I'm sitting here at lunch browing the net, and this is the first page I open up lol

followed by Craigs list :D

We're on that same page again! I'm sitting here at lunch browing the net, and this is the first page I open up lol

followed by Craigs list :D


Yep! I never close this page, I don't really close Craigslist either, I just go between CL locations! :p Come on May 1st! Well, 2nd!