Don\'t bug IIOs with FP status quetsion


Registered Users (C)

Don\'t bug them with this silly question again and again and again.
As we have been observing from peoples\' posts, once FPs are cleared by FBI,
it will take sometime (1-2 months) to get transefered to INS system.
Use the common sense and desist from calling INS second/third day
after your FPs are taken. Call them after 2 months (that too if many approvals
around your FP date came thru) if you want.
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I second that. There\'s a guy in the next thread who called 2 days after FP to check if INS had received it!!! Unbelievable!!
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Anything on your FP? I know you did it about 2-3 weeks ago.

I did mine on 3/3, but INS doesn\'t have yet.
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By the way, do you guys really think it makes any difference even if all people who visit this site stop calling? have some common sense. and by the way, IIOs hardly give useful information. it doesn\'t matter to me even if you bother them everyday intentionally. what are your guys\' point? dial through or not won\'t affact your case at all. so even if the whole world is calling them, what is it to do with you?
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yeah, i did on 2/27. and i comfirmed today that it was in their main system and waiting to be assigned. i think your will be there in a few days. by the way, i was orginally scheduled on 3/3 too. but i did it on 2/27.
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I agree with Kevin. If people don\'t want to call IIO, then don\'t; No one is twisting anyone\'s arm to call.
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Besides the IIO\'s answering the phone most of the time just want to get rid of you as soon as possible, wonder how they would react to re-dialing till the finger has no sensation and half hour of waiting.
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Most 485 waiters, if they don\'t visit this kind of web sites, don\'t know the detailed process of 485.
The lawyers won\'t tell you how to follow up your FP result. They just tell you to wait and wait patiently.

Calling CSC doesn\'t help the progress of a case because it\'s processed by the adjudication officer, not the IIO who answers your call.
The IIOs hardly give useful information.
If your FP is only in the 2nd system but not in the primary system, what can you do?

Then why bother calling and calling?
Just to gratify your curiosity?

Please leave the CSC hot line to those who are really in trouble.
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Look at it from other angle. Everybody agrees that calling them doesn\'t make any
difference to his/her case. So, why waste your time (and ofcourse, their time) ?
Tell me what you gain by checking whether FPs are in the system ? Can you
request that IIO to generate a new FP notice if it is not in the system? Or if it is in the
system, can you ask them to assign to an officer ? Will they oblige ?
If they do, I agree, calling makes sense. Has anyone had any success generating
new FP notice or getting the case assigned through IIOs ?

If I am in their position, I will get pissed off if I receive calls continously just to check
whether their FPs are in the system. It\'s like calling the airline and asking whether
your seat is there in the airplane.

Doesn\'t matter whether it takes 2-3 weeks or 1-2 months or 1 - 2 years. Only sensible
thing do is as follows :

Just be patient and wait till the approvals of 485s that were FPed around your
FP date come thru. If yours doesn\'t come thru, then it is a valid reason to call them.

Otherwise, you will get the same frustrated answer somebody on other thread got viz.
"don\'t be surprised if your case takes an year". Obviously, it is an answer given
out of frustration. Or if that IIO is not tired yet, you may get a better answer
"we are currently very backed up".....what good is it to spend an hour trying
to call them ?
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Hi Stupid guys,

About calling IIO\'s , already I had posted one message. Nobody listned to me , now you guys are fighting for this .

Sirip has listed out some genuing reasons to call IIO . Herewith I am listing the same for your stupid mind to understand clearly.

I agree with csc485485 to some extent. But, genuineness of a call
  is subjective.
  So, let\'s see if we can formulate some guidelines for genuineness
  on the board
  and adhere to it.
Genuine calls in my opinion are
  - to find why your petition is not processed if many cases "much beyond" are processed.
  - if you receive an RFE that you and your lawyer don\'t understand

All other calls like below are waste of time for both yourself and INS
  - to find the case status (you can always call AVM after hours)
  - to find whether your FP is in system (once you found from FBI, they will eventually go
     into INS system - calling doesn\'t help)
  - to find why your case is not processed when cases "only around" filing date are
     processed (you\'ll get the same answer - every case is different, we\'ll mail a response
  - to find whether your case is assigned to officer (again, you will get same answer - every
     case is different, we\'ll mail a decision soon)

Guys, feel free to add to either section and please adhere to it.

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csc485485, thanks for remembering my previous post.
I was the one who started this thread (as well) after I saw somebody saying he did FP two days back
and called IIO today for status.