Does going to the ASC for FP notice help


Registered Users (C)
My spouse rec\'d the FP scheduled for 08/07. I am waiting for mine.

Does it help going to the ASC and asking for an FP notice help.
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No way.
You may go to local INS for help but definitely not ASC.

ASC is not a branch of INS and has no authority to "issue" FP notice.

ASC is actually a subcontractor that CONSUMEs FP notices and charges INS according to how many FPs they have done.
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Thanks, Lancer.

So does it help if we go to the local INS office, and does anybody know of any such cases
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There is a post by \'gcclueless\' in Personal Experience / FP.
Supposedly, he went at 5 am to San Jose office. and based on his wife\'s FP notice, gave him one.

I am also in the same boat.
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Am not sure still.
Anyway my wifes FP is in October, so am not sure wheter INS will give me saying that you will get it by mail!

How about you?