CSC processing tim out

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There is an approval in site with ND of 12/00.
The AVM was never updated but the approval notice was
received in mail.

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good, now we see 2 approvals with DEC ND. and good news is that their FP date is in middle FEB. fingers crossed.
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Hi FastEddie, your approval is really fast. Do you mind posting your country and category, EB2/EB3? Thanks and Congratulations.
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I don\'t think that that\'s correct based on the definition of Entry Date on the site mentioned above:

"It is the date the last case was taken from the shelf and assigned to the officer as of the date of the report. Caution: It does not mean that they are adjudicatged on that date. People must wait 30 days from this date to inquire of the status of adjudication of that case."

Which to me translates to the last date a case was last picked up by an IIO (regardless of the case\'s ND).
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Let us not get too excited about what the CSC puts out. It just keeps changing every two weeks and nothing is consistent. Just because it is with an officer does not mean it will be approved in a couple of days. a general tactic with CSC is to approve a couple of cases from the quoted month (dec 00 this time). This way they can keep their records straight.

Actually might is a little bad especially if CSC is trying to project a faster turnaround - most of the applications will get 2nd FP (stalling procedure), RFE and also transfer to local office. RFE is one of their best tools for faster processing.
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What do you mean none of the IIOs have picked any case since 12/14. I don\'t think so. I think It has some thing to do with ND.
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HI FastEddie, I am from Philippines and EB3 too. Can I email you personally to ask you some questions? Thanks, Nevermind
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hi, guys, i had the impression that weekend is not counted when wac number is issued. but i just noticed that on 12/14 the number is WAC-01-51-XXXXX. if weekend is excluded, 11/22 should be 01-057-XXXXX. but my case is 12/22 with number 01-059-XXXXX. CSC changed the way they number the cases?