Contents of the I-140 broadcast message


Registered Users (C)
Check the Message at Vermont and it said "A final decision has been mailed two days back". Didn\'t say it was approved. what does that mean. Approved or Rejected. Please respond
Request info

Usually it is rejection..did u file in EB 1 ?

Could you please post filing details like ND and EB2/3?
No Title

I belive it was a EB2. They asked for additional financial information from my company and my stupid lawyer just send a letter from my compnay stating that my company employs 2200 people. If rejected what are my options.
About RFE

RFE : Request for additional Evidence

Usually when the INS has any questions regarding the petition they first send out a RFE and depending on the response they approve or deny the case.
Most times the denials are due to application in the wrong catogory.
ie EB2 or EB 3 many times BS + 5 can be filed as EB2 but if not documented well... the INS may decline and ask to reapply under EB3.
RFE\'s are usually for : Educatinal Evaluation,Company financials,proof that benificiary is elgible for EB2 .and stuff like that
The message was:

denied, not RFE. The message for RFE is different from what your original statement was.
It\'s not an RFE

If it were an RFE you would not get the message that you did. It is either a denial or a notice of intent to deny. A notice of intent to deny is sort of like an RFE but you only have 30 days to respond or the case will be denied.
