Completely lost: Canadian going to America! :S


New Member
Ok so here's my problem. I've been reading around website after website about immigration, visas, green cards, etc, etc. Basically it all just lead me around in circles, and eventually into a dead end. I'm confused and of course worried. I'm a Canadian citizen (born and raised) and I'm looking to go to America to live there with my current boyfriend whom I have met over the internet. We plan on building a life together, but from the information we've gathered, it's not that easy. Being only around the age of 19 also isn't helping much since I'm completely new at this.
So obviously most of the options I could go for like marriage and specific jobs (Like being a doctor, or something.) don't apply. Going back to school is something I'm not ready for yet and from what I've heard it can be pretty expensive. Also many of my imediate reletives are Canadian.
So if any of you have any information on how I would be able to go to America and work there to earn income so I can find a place to live, and eventually go to school, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you're unable to help me with that problem, or if it's impossible for me to live in the US or attain citizenship (In any way) my alternative is to do the whole visiting thing. I've heard that a Canadian can stay in the states for about 6 months. After that I'm not quite sure of. What I've gathered is that either I'll have to pay American taxes, or I'll somehow automatically become an American citizen, or they'll magically find me and deport me. Something along those lines. Does anyone know the truth of this or can define it for me?
Plus if i can stay there for up to 6 months, how long do I have to wait before I can go back? I know there are certain visas for other places, but if a Canadian wants to go vacation and visit in the US, do we have to sign something, tell customs where we'll be, when we'll leave?

Please respond to this as best as you can. I've tried to give all the information I can think of to make it easier..I need full detail (If you know it) on what I can do, cannot do, prices, how I can go about doing this..Etc. Or if you know a place that can give me all the information I need (maybe a place that explains things better) than please, link me.

Everything is greatly appreciated, thank you all!