Citizenship within 2 years



 Can anyone please tell me if there is anyway in which a GC holder can get citizenship within 2 years. Like any national interest method or any other method.
   I recently got my GC and am planning to marry after 2 years. But with GC, I can\'t get my spouse on a immigrant visa.I know I can get her on a non-immigrant visa like F1 or H1 and file her 485,but it takes years before she gets her GC.

Yes, you could...

If you are an athlete with international standard, ready to be qualified and will compete for the US in the Olympic 2004 in Athens, then your congressman would sponsor a private bill to get you the citizenship.
This is not a joke, because it has been done before...
Otherwise, it\'s difficult to justify national interest to get you a fast track citizenship...
Same boat

I have exactly the same problem and I did search all INS/State dept websites and talked to lawyers. For normal people there is nothing we can do other than wait 5 years till we get citizenship.
It would be great if "V-visa" category date becomes current. I hear that there is a bill in congress for that but I think it\'s in the back burner.
My advice is to get her on non-immigrant visa and then marry and wait 5 years to apply for her GC. But you have to prove non-immigrant intent for counselor so becareful.
After that you can marry her and wait till you become citizen. This way, when she gets her GC it is un-conditional meaning that she do not have to be married for 3 years for her to get permanent GC because you guys have already been married 5 years. This is also a plus for the interview process because they look if marriage is honest or a simple way to get GC. So if you have been married 5 years there is nothing more to prove to INS about honesty.
Good Luck
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Thanks everyone.

Being an athlete is not practical for me in short time unless miracles happen :)

pro007, V-visa is good for only whose petetion has been filed before december 2000, so that way is not possible for me. Am I right?

Can someone please throw some light on joining army, navy or air force? Is it possible that I somehow manage to join a Defence related company in my field(software) and be eligible in this category.

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There is a list of war and time period for
which active combat service may cause eligibility
for citizelship without green card first or waiting
period. But unfortunately there is no list of future

Another way is you can contact CIA and see if they
need to send a spy to yoru nationality country.
What about War on Terrorism?

> Is it possible that I somehow manage to join a Defence related company in my field(software) and be eligible in this category.

If you have exceptional skills (hold patents etc.) in software security, encryption, eavesdropping, real time satellite targetting etc. give it a spin.

My co-worker joined the army. Then she or they (I am not sure) petitioned the congressman and she ended up getting her citizenship 1 year earlier. Now she\'s gone (active duty) and I can\'t really ask her for more details. But I guess there are some ways...
Waiting before applying for citizenship

according to the duty officer at houston INS who stamped my passport, you can apply for citizenship after 5 years FROM YOUR PRIORITY DATE and not the Approval date for EB-X cases.

I am still trying to confirm this. Has anybody heard the same?
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That is exactly why the INS should be cut into half.
They mislead the people they serve and never enforce
laws which they should enforce. I bears the great
burden of carrying my card everyday and everyone else
is laughing at my stupididty and the INS never punish
these law-breaking aliens.
Citizenship eligibility if u r out of the country for less than 2 yrs?

Does anybody have any information on the following situation? I received my green card in June 1996, went back to india in July 1996 to complete my education. Came back on a re-entry permit within two years. The INS publication says that in this case I can apply after 4 yrs of continous residency. The eligibility worksheet does not provide any info on this situation. If anybody knows about this particular circumstance or has any experience with regards to this, please share...thanks much
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Thanks JoeF..Yes, I\'ll try to confirm it with INS and with an attorney. Including the excperpt from the INS publication is a very good idea..I wonder if there is any similar case like this out there..