Chickened out?


Registered Users (C)

What happened to the thread you posted (SPAM Just Wondering..)

Deleting of threads seems too arbitarary on this CSC forum and does not go by consensus.
Originally posted by BCIS_Chamcha

What happened to the thread you posted (SPAM Just Wondering..)

Deleting of threads seems too arbitarary on this CSC forum and does not go by consensus.

Is it not Janitors duty to clean up the mess ? :D:D
I don't know what happened to it - I logged on this morning to find it gone - so yes -- I think the overnight janitors have been at work - is it a sensitive issue or something ??? What sillyman does for a living ??
Yep the janitors are working overtime :D

The thread may have been deleted for one of the two reasons:

1. Comments on what Silly Man does for a living
2. Comments on RSK.
Folks, there is no need for this

The moderators are doing us all a favor by taking time out and helping. The least I would expect from you is some consideration - if not appreciation.

Can we just go on into a positive direction rather than wasting time on non-essentials? Let me know if there is a problem that you folks need for me to address.

Rajiv - if you had read my original post it actually thanked silly man - I think he's great - so don't give me attitude about appreciation - I appreciate Silly man - his humour and level headedness keep this forum a great place - my question was simply one out of interest - I don't think it misplaced - clearly several others didn't think so either - but your answer speaks volumes as does the fact that the thread mysteriously disappeared - which I would not even have noticed if others hadn't brought it to my attention - but you are right - its not important - I would rather have a green card -but sometimes the useless banter on this site is simply a stress reliever for us all - trust me - this is not a good time for any of us !!!!!!!!!!
I think Rajiv and SM are trying to help as I am sure you know too. LindaMac, those appreciation comments may not be directed to you but to the community - what makes you think it is for you?

And BTW, moderated sites dont usually go by consensus, but the better judgement of the moderator.

Finally, this is a freebie offerred generously by Rajiv. The least we could do is to accept his guidance even if we think it is unfair (there are enough of those going on anyway and this particular one isn't exactly killing anyone), and move on.

don't you think neeru was going over board? do u have to moderate only the bad posts and not theposts by neeru which is opinionated?
hello chamcha

I think you should get more experience on this and other newsboards before you start getting into arguments regarding moderation of the group itself.

Posts will have opinions; and I was hardly emotional.

good luck...
All right folks

I think we need to let it all chill a bit. No point fighting amongst ourselves. I would invite you to direct your energies to efforts more worthy of our time. That is all.

While this high strung group (read I-485 waiters) needs to chill, it is an objectively accurate assessment that the selection of which threads are deleted and which are allowed to continue, is arbitrary.

I don't see what pointing that out has to do with appreciating the efforts and contributions of the moderators, for which we are all grateful.
Originally posted by niladri30

While this high strung group (read I-485 waiters) needs to chill, it is an objectively accurate assessment that the selection of which threads are deleted and which are allowed to continue, is arbitrary.

I don't see what pointing that out has to do with appreciating the efforts and contributions of the moderators, for which we are all grateful.

Let us forget about all else for a moment. Why do you folks not help us develop a uniform thread/post management ploicy. That would help everyone. No?
Originally posted by niladri30
Yes, indeed!
I'm willing to help...I'm assuming the moderators will ensure compliance.

Cool. Most appreciated. The moderators have beeen requesting for a while to get a consistent policy about this. The way I look at it, we are the hosts not the dictators. You folks together must decide how things should be run around here as to content, form, everything else. I will post a new announcement this week (I am traveling most of this week so it may be by Monday).
Originally posted by niladri30
Yes, indeed!
I'm willing to help...I'm assuming the moderators will ensure compliance.

Cool. Most appreciated. The moderators have beeen requesting for a while to get a consistent policy about this. The way I look at it, we are the hosts not the dictators. You folks together must decide how things should be run around here as to content, form, everything else. I will post a new announcement this week (I am traveling most of this week so it may be by Monday).