Chicago Stamping - Cool Deal


Registered Users (C)
I got my stamping done at chicago INS today morning.

I went there at 6.15 am. About 100 people were there ahead of me. Later the queue increased to about 200 by 7 am. At 7 am people with approval notices were asked to stand in a seperate queue. 10 people were there. After passing through security check, I was directed to room no.100. There 2 IIO'S attended to the process. I was 6 th in the queue. IIO took approval notice, I-94 card,Photos, ead. She took my signature and finger print. She stamped my passport and said you will get your card in 6 to 12 months. I came out by 7.30 am.

Rd: 8/14/01 ND: 9/21/01 AD: 10/07/01 Notice received 10/12/02
Stamping: 10/16/02