changing job on 181 st day


Registered Users (C)
I have to change job, on 181st day on EAD. Please help all gurus,

should I inform INS of this or should I stay quiet.
What are the chances of RFE in this case. I have an absolutely matching job description and higher salary.
u r okay

do not worry
change in salary or location does not matter at all

it is the job description and the time between adjudication and receipt date that matters.

Many people are not informing INS and are either getting approved 70 percent or getting rfe(30 percent)

Go for it

no need to worry
Can I-140 be cancelled

Can the employer cancel the I 140 if you change job after 180 days ?
Are we really free ?
Probably OK

Assuming that the job is "similar", the only problem that I could possibly see is that INS could question your intent to join the sponsoring employer "permanently." I\'m looking for a problem here and that\'s the only possible problem that I can think of. I really doubt INS will make an issue of it but . . . well, you know INS by this time.


James D. Mills
(formerly Jim M)
Attorney at Law
No Title

Heaven is going to fall if you delay by couple of days? why do want to take such a big risk. Wait atleast for one full week.
what I have understood is

there is no such law that is implemented into regulartion and allows one to move after 180 days. Even there is nothing implemented into regulation, people in desparate situations are exercising AC 21 (again not implemented yet) and moving to different companies. INS is being lenient to those who are using possible "future law"!
Nobody knows why INS does that. Since it is not against "Aliens", we all are welcoming it quietly, no whining. So make your own
decision. If you want to take a vote, I will say go for it.
AC21 is not a problem ..

No Gheewala ji .. lots od people have changed their jobs using AC21 and got Green Card without any problem ..even if with RFE ..
What should be the conditions to change employer after 180days

1) I work in NJ but 485 applied at CSC (labour also cleared frm CSC,current Employer in CA)
2) can I change to a employer in NJ or NY ??
3) about The job title ,salary and location to choose
   employment ,Could some one give more details .
I cannot wait for another month, not even a week

The reason being there has been a payment issue b/w my company and the client for which I work. The client would let me work only if I join them,I am somehow dragging it to 181st day. Hope you all understand this catch 22 for me, hope INS would understand it.
go for it.. since 180 days are over, you are fine..

According to AC21 if your I 485 is not adjudicated within 180 days, then they can\'t deny your petition due to the reason that you are working for a different company. Just for safety keep some proof that you worked 180 days in the company which sponsored you.
I am also planning to change over after 180 days. I will be joining the client. If we cant use a law, then what was the point in making such laws.
Good luck
Thanks everyone

The last paystub ie. the 180th day Paystub is sufficient proof of my being with the primary company or do I need a job leaving letter of some sort.

Jim and others please respond.
pay slip would be enough.

But if your company is ready to give a relieving letter then keep that also with you. if INS ask for proof later(of 180 days), you could give it.

Regarding sending letter to INS about your job change, I am also not very sure what to do. Would we unnecessarily bring this to thier notice(Thaughts?).

But talk to your client about a job letter that they have to give if INS ask for it at the time of adjudication. Make sure your job title and role is similar to that in your Labour certification.
180 days from MD/ RD / ND

which date are u going to use to count your 180 days , I did\'nt read there is any INS guideline about the which date they will use to count the 180 days period.
My lawyer says it is RD

I hope it is RD. By all stretches I am somehow getting to 180 days.
I have paystub for only 120 days.

Hi All, I have pay slips for only 120days. does it make any problem?. I changed my job and working for a new employer(using EAD) (there was a month interval between sponsoring employer and with new employer).

Mr.Jim or other please share your experience.
No Title

From what I heard in this board, Only CSC ask for proof that you worked for 180 days. All other service centers approve cases without asking for this. If there is a RFE, you have to send the employement letter from the new employer, stating your title,salary and role.
thats all.
GCardWaiter, I agree, that seems to be how things are being done right now

The implementing regulations for AC21 (if and when they are published) will make all service centers operate on one rule. But which rule will that be? Probably the rule that TSC, NSC and VSC are using (that seemed to be the idea (at least prior to 9/11)) but it could be the rule that CSC uses, or some other set of rules entirely.

Everything will change overnight when the implementing regulations are published and that change will effect every case that is pending at the time.


James D. Mills
Attorney at Law